The Improbable Crusoe

History and Fiction in Maria Graham’s Journal of a Voyage to Brazil




Maria Graham , travel literature , Robinson Crusoe , literature and history


This article aims to discuss how Maria Graham articulates fact and fiction in Journal of a Voyage to Brazil, comparing her travel narrative with historical and fictional aspects in Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe. Considering questions pertaining to the realm of travel literature and to Reinhart Koselleck’s reflections about history and fiction, I analyze how Graham employs fictional elements in her travel narrative to represent Brazil’s politics and history, as well as her own experience in the country. Lastly, this article examines gender aspects in Graham’s accounts, as I argue that her credibility and authority are undermined by the fact that she is a woman.


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How to Cite

Neves, J. B. (2021). The Improbable Crusoe: History and Fiction in Maria Graham’s Journal of a Voyage to Brazil. Aletria: Revista De Estudos De Literatura, 31(2), 91–112.



Dossier: “Robinson Crusoe”: A Three-Century Journey