Evidence-based dentistry

steps and methods of a systematic review


  • Lívia Guimarães Zina Centro Universitário Newton Paiva
  • Suzely Adas Saliba Moimaz Universidade Estadual Paulista




Evidence-based practice, Evidence-based dentistry, Epidemiology, Meta-analysis as a topic, Review, Methodology


Evidence-based science uses epidemiological study models with the aim of applying scientific knowledge in health decisions. As such, the present study aimed to describe and discuss Evidence-Based




Dentistry (EBD) and the methodology of systematic reviews, highlighting the steps needed to execute these, such as the formulation of search strategies, the definition of inclusion and exclusion criteria, data abstraction, as well as analysis and synthesis, including meta-analysis. The EBD is understood as an approach to oral health care that requires the integration of scientific evidence with the professional’s expertise and the population’s needs. As a contribution, the EBD has introduced methods which generate evidence of quality, statistical tools used to synthesize and analyze the evidence (systematic reviews and meta-analysis), in addition to ways of accessing (electronic databases) and applying the evidence (evidence-based health decisions). Finally, the evidence-based approach allows for the evaluation of the scientific knowledge through its validity, impact, and applicability, eliminating the gap between research and the reality of health services. It is necessary that efforts continue to be employed in an attempt to stimulate qualitative advances in epidemiological research in the oral health field, in turn helping EBD reach a broader space within the processes of planning and implementation of healthcare actions.


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How to Cite

Zina, L. G., & Moimaz, S. A. S. (2016). Evidence-based dentistry: steps and methods of a systematic review. Arquivos Em Odontologia, 48(3). https://doi.org/10.7308/aodontol/2012.48.3.10




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