Dentistry research at Minas Gerais state – Brazil

retrospective evaluation between1986 to 2006


  • Hercílio Martelli Júnior Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros
  • João Róbson Vieira Júnior Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros
  • Mônica Ágda Domingos Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros
  • Daniella Reis Barbosa Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros
  • Manoel Brito Júnior Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros
  • Paulo Rogério Ferreti Bonan Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros


The Foundation for Research Support of Minas Gerais State (Fapemig) is an unique foment agency to scientific research in this state. It was created in 1985 and implanted in 1986, with spirit and urgency profile to incorporate technology to industry. With a paucity of studies which deal with scientific production and Dentistry Schools involvement, the aim of this study was to establish the profile of dentistry research projects presented to Universal Edictal, between 1986 and 2006. In this form, it was used the data bank of FAPEMIG Universal Edictal, of last 21 years. In sequence, I was analyzed the representatively of dentistry compared with other health specialties, the distribution of dentistry specialties, associated with general amount of Universal Edictal, as well as dentistry courses participation. In the evaluated period, the Health Science Chamber received 1,655 research projects (on average of 82.75 projects per year), being 287 dentistry projects. Thus, it was possible to view 17.34 dentistry projects in the health area, with average of 14.35 projects per year. Of them, 12 courses participated being 6 public institutions and 6 private of communitarian institutions. Of dentistry specialties, restorative dentistry and oral pathology were the most participative in this period.



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How to Cite

Martelli Júnior, H., Júnior, J. R. V., Domingos, M. Ágda, Barbosa, D. R., Brito Júnior, M., & Bonan, P. R. F. (2016). Dentistry research at Minas Gerais state – Brazil: retrospective evaluation between1986 to 2006. Arquivos Em Odontologia, 43(1). Retrieved from




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