Characterization and physicochemical properties of dietary fiber concentrates as potential
ingredients for use in fish nutrition
Fernanda Rodrigues Goulart
*; Marina Osmari Dalcin
; Naglezi de Menezes Lovatto
; Ana Betine Beutinger
Bender4; Leila
Picolli da Silva5; Alexandra Pretto6
Dietary fibers are formed by non-starch polysaccharides as cellulose, hemicellulose, pectins, gums, mucilages,
-glucans, among others. These constituents have prebiotic properties and are therefore not digested in the gut, reaching
intact in the colon and altering the microflora of the colon. In developing, beneficial microflora produces physiological
effects capable of improving the life of the host. Thus, the knowledge of the biological and functional properties of dietary
fibers has led to the development of methods of obtaining these compounds for possible use in animal nutrition. Then, this
study aimed to obtain dietary fiber concentrates (DFC) from different agro-industrial sources and evaluate their respective
chemical composition and physicochemical properties. The DFC - mucilage, pectin, and glucan + mannan (G+M) were
obtained from linseed, citrus pulp, and brewer’s yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), respectively, through different
physicochemical processes. The chemical composition revealed that the predominant component in all DFC were dietary
fiber and the insoluble fraction. The DFC that obtained most extraction yield was G+M (19.81% ± 8.54), followed by pectin
(14.54% ± 2.72), and mucilage (7.18% ± 1.54). The mucilage and pectin composition have greater monosaccharide diversity
since the G+M consisted primarily of mannose (74.5%) and glucose (24.3%). The pectin showed numerically lower hydration
capacity than the other DFC. For the oil binding ability, all DFC had similar values. In this study, the DFC presented
nutritional and technological
characteristics that indicate potential application of the agro-industrial sources as a prebiotic for
fish supplementation.
-glucan+mannan. Fish feeds. Linseed. Mucilage. Pectin.
Caracterização e propriedades físico químicas de concentrados de fibras alimentares como
ingredientes prebióticos para uso na nutrição de peixes
As fibras alimentares são formadas por polissacarídeos não amiláceos como celulose, hemicelulose, pectinas, gomas,
mucilagens, -glicanos, entre outros. Estes constituintes têm propriedades prebióticas e, portanto, não o digeridos no
intestino, atingindo intactos e alterando a microflora do cólon. Quando desenvolvida, a microflora benéfica pro- duz efeitos
fisiológicos capazes de melhorar a vida do hospedeiro. Desta forma, o conhecimento das propriedades biológicas e funcionais
das fibras alimentares levou ao desenvolvimento de métodos de obtenção desses compostos para possível uso em nutrição
animal. Logo, o presente estudo teve como objetivo a obtenção de Concentrados de
1Universidade Federal do Pampa. Uruguaiana, Rio Grande do Sul. Brasil.
2Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul. Brasil.
3Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul. Brasil.
4Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul. Brasil.
5Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul. Brasil.
6Universidade Federal do Pampa. Uruguaiana, Rio Grande do Sul. Brasil.
*Autor para correspondência:
Recebido para publicação em 27 de janeiro de 2020. Aceito para publicação em 30 de março de 2020.
e-ISSN: 2447-6218 /
ISSN: 2447-6218. Atribuição CC BY.
Agrarian Sciences Journal
Goulart F. R. et al.
Fibras Alimentares (CFAs) a partir de diferentes fontes agroindustrial e avaliar suas respectivas composição química e
propriedades físico-químicas. O CFAs (mucilagem, pectina e glicana + manana (G+M)) foram obtidos a partir da linhaça,
polpa cítrica e levedura de cervejaria (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), respectivamente, através de diferentes processos físico-
químicos. A composição química revelou que o componente predominante em todos os CFAs foram fibra alimentar e a fração
insolúvel. O CFA que obteve maior rendimento de extração foi G+M (19.81% ± 8.54), seguido pela pectina (14.54% ±
2.72), e mucilagem (7.18% ± 1.54). A composição da mucilagem e pectina tive- ram maior diversidade de monossacarídeos,
uma vez que a G+M consistiu principalmente de manose (74.5%) e glicose (24.3%). A pectina apresentou numericamente
menor capacidade de hidratação que os demais CFAs. Para a capacidade de ligação ao óleo, todos os CFAs apresentaram
valores similares. Neste estudo, os CFAs apresentaram características nutricional e tecnológica que indicaram potencial de
aplicação das fontes agroindustrial como um prebiótico para a suplementação de peixes.
-glucana+manana. Alimentação de peixes. Linhaça. Mucilagem. Pectina.
For a long time, dietary fibers represented the
portion of food because of their low-energy content.
the interest in dietary fibers has been increa- sing due to
their beneficial effects on the microflora of the
gastrointestinal tract (Bach Knudsen, 2001; Wenk, 2001;
Montagne et al., 2003).
dustrial sources and evaluate their chemical composition
physicochemical properties.
Materials and methods
The study was conducted in the Fish Farming
Laboratory, Department of Animal Science of the Univer-
sidad Federal of Santa Maria (Santa Maria, RS, Brazil).
Dietary fibers are formed by non-starch poly-
saccharides, among which we highlight cellulose, hemi-
cellulose, pectins, gums, mucilages, -glucans, among
others (Chen et al., 1988; Mudgil and Barak, 2013). These
components have been receiving a great deal of attention
because of their prebiotic properties, as they are not
digested in the intestine and remain intact when they reach
the colon and are metabolized by beneficial bacteria, which
alter the colonic microflora. This leads to a healthy bacterial
microflora capable of inducing important physiological
effects on the health and well-
-being of the host (Catalani et al., 2003).
Raw material
Yeast biomass (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) was
kindly provided by Santamate Indústria e Comércio Ltda
(Santa Maria, RS, Brazil). Linseed (Linum uistatissimum
was donated by Giovelli & Cia Ltda (Guarani das Mis-
RS, Brazil). The citrus pulp, composed by rind or flavedo,
albedo, membranes, and seeds, was processed in our
Obtention of dietary fiber concentrates
In the last five decades, the cultivation of aquatic
organisms has increased steadily (FAO, 2014). Thus, se-
strategies have been adopted to ensure an increase
production and stock breeding health, including the use of
antibiotics as growth promoters in feeds. Howe- ver, the use
of these products has been restricted due to their potential for
the development of resistant bacteria, hazards to the
environment, suppression of the immu- ne system of the
animals and risk of bioaccumulation in fish (Ringo et al.,
2010). For these reasons, the use of alternative growth
promoters in feeds, particularly
prebiotics, is currently
recommended. Moreover, adding prebiotics in fish nutrition is
also important because they
are substances rather than living
organisms. Therefore,
they are more resistant to processing as
well as extrusion
and pelletization (Névoa et al., 2013).
-glucan+mannan was obtained from brewer’s
yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) according to the metho-
dology described by Goulart et al. (2017a) and Chaud et al.
(2007), with some modifications. Initially, aqueous yeast
extract was centrifuged at 3500 rpm (15 min) and washed
three times with distilled water at a 1:1 ratio
(w/v). After
this, the extract was subjected to autolysis at
49°C for 8 h and
was centrifuged at 3500 rpm (15 min). The supernatant was
discarded and the precipitate was
collected, which
correspondent the cell wall. This fraction
was submitted to an
alkaline treatment with NaOH 1% (1:3 w/v), under agitation
and heating (75°C/20 min). Subsequently, the sample was
neutralized with HCl 2N, centrifuged at 3500 rpm (15 min),
and washed three times with distilled water at a 1:1 ratio
(w/v). The final precipitate was represented by the -
glucan+mannan fraction, which was dried at 40°C for 24 h.
Knowledge of the biological and functional pro-
perties of dietary fibers has recently led to the develop- ment
of methods of obtaining these compounds for use in animal
nutrition. For this reason, the present study
aimed to obtain
dietary fiber concentrates, with prebiotic potential to apply to
fish nutrition, from different agro-in-
The procedure of mucilage extraction from lin-
seed was performed according to Goulart et al. (2013) in an
aqueous medium (10% w/v), at 60 to 80°C with constant
agitation, for 150 min. The supernatant was
Cad. Ciênc. Ag., v. 12, p. 0109, 2020. e-ISSN: 2447-6218 / ISSN: 1984-6738
Characterization and physicochemical properties of dietary fiber concentrates as potential prebiotic ingredients for use in fish nutrition
removed and ethanol (final concentration of 75% v/v) was
added in order to precipitate the fiber fraction. The
precipitate was collected, dried in a forced-air-drying oven
at 60°C/24 h, and ground in a laboratory mill.
tron Corporation- EUA) equipped with a DB-225 (0.25 mm
x 30 m) capillary column. The injector and flame ionization
detector (FID) temperatures were 250°C and 300°C,
respectively. The oven temperature was set from
100 to
215°C, at a heating rate of 40°C/min. Helium was
used as the
carrier gas at a flow rate of 1.0 mL/min.
Pectin was obtained from the citrus pulp accor- ding
to the method described by Calliari (2015). Before
extraction, the orange juice residue (flavedo, albedo,
membranes, and seeds) was washed with water, crushed
manually, dried in a forced-air-drying oven (50°C/24 h),
ground in a laboratory mill to obtain the dried citrus
Then, pectin was extracted in an aqueous medium (8% w/v)
at 100°C for 1 h. After cooling, the mixture
was centrifuged
(3500 rpm/10 min), the precipitate was discarded, and ethanol
was added to the supernatant at a 1:1 ratio (v/v) to precipitate
the pectin. This mixture was
left at 5°C for 24 h in order for
pectin to be precipitated. Finally, the precipitate was dried in
a forced-air-drying oven (55°C/24-48 h) and ground in a
laboratory mill.
Uronic acids content were measured by the
method of Blumenkrantz and Asboe-Hansen (1973).
Galacturonic acid was used as standard solution and the
absorbance was measured at 520 nm.
The water holding capacity (WHC) and oil bin-
ding capacity (OBC) were determined according to Mc-
Connell et al. (1974) and Abdul-Hamid and Luan (2000),
respectively. Sample (1.0 g) was weighed, loaded into
graduated test tube, 20 mL of distilled water (for WHC) or oil
(for OBC) was added, and the mixture was stirred
complete homogenization. Then, it was left at room
temperature for 24 h. After, the mixture was centrifuged
rpm, 1 h), the supernatant was removed, and the tube (sample
+ absorbed water or oil) was weighed. The results were
expressed as the amount of water or oil retained by the
sample per gram.
Samples, linseed, mucilage, dried citrus pulp,
pectin, brewer’s yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), and
-glucan+mannan, were analyzed to determine dry matter
(DM) (number 930.15), ash (number 942.05), and crude
protein (CP - N x 6.25) according to AOAC (1990)
methods (number 954.01). Fat was measured
according to
Bligh and Dyer method (1959). Total dietary
fiber (TDF),
soluble fiber (SF), and insoluble fiber (IF) content were
determined according to the enzymatic gravimetric method
(number 991.43) (AOAC, 1995).
Results and discussion
All resulting dietary fiber concentrates (DFC)
showed high total dietary fiber (TDF) content (Table 1),
which proved that the methodologies used for fiber
concentration were suitable for the proposed aim. For
mucilage obtained from linseed, Monego (2009) men-
tioned higher levels for TDF (85.07%) and SF (73.21%). The
contrast in results can be explained by differences in the
variety of the raw material employed as well as by the
procedure used for obtaining the food products
(Kaewmanee et al., 2014).
Extraction yield
The extraction yield was calculated by the ra- tio
between the final weight product and the weight of sample
submitted to extraction.
The determination of monosaccharide composi-
was carried out according to Biermann (1989). Ini- tially,
samples were hydrolyzed with trifluoroacetic acid 1 M for 5 h
at 100°C. Upon completion of the hydrolysis, the excess acid
was removed by evaporation. After total
acid hydrolysis, the
monosaccharides were solubilized in distilled water and
reduced by adding, approximately, 10
mg of sodium
borohydride for 16 h at 4°C (Wolfrom and Thompson,
1963b). Alditols were submitted to acetyla- tion (Wolfrom
and Thompson, 1963a). The extraction of alditol acetate was
performed by the addition of chloro- form and subsequent
elimination of pyridine in succes- sive treatments with 5%
copper sulphate and distilled water. After solvent
evaporation, the alditol acetates were subjected to gas-liquid
chromatography (GLC) for determination of neutral
monosaccharide composition.
Although pectin had the lowest TDF, this DFC had
the highest SF content (31.47 ± 1.75). This fraction presents
an important role for the natural microflora of
colon. In the
intestine, soluble fibers are fermented easily and more quickly
than the insoluble fibers (Puupponen-Pi-
miä et al., 2002;
Catalani et al., 2003). Short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) are
produced through fermentation (Saad,
2006) and they are
responsible for various benefits to the
host, such as regulation
of epithelial proliferation and differentiation of the colonic
mucosa and improvement of blood flow and mucus
production. Additionally, SCFA are the preferred energy
source for the colonocytes, de-
crease pH in the colon,
maintain balance in the intestinal
microflora, and provide
beneficial effects on sodium and water absorption, lipid and
glucose metabolism, pancreatic secretion, and other
hormones (Catalani et al., 2003).
The resulting alditol acetates were analyzed by
GLC in a Trace GC Ultra chromatograph (Thermo Elec-
Cad. Ciênc. Ag., v. 12, p. 0109, 2020. e-ISSN: 2447-6218 / ISSN: 1984-6738
Goulart F. R. et al.
Table 1 Chemical composition of the raw samples and the dietary fiber concentrates.
Citrus pulp
Results are expressed as mean ± standard deviation (SD) (n=3). TDF: total dietary fiber; IF: insoluble fiber; SF: soluble fiber; CP: crude protein;
G+M: glucan+mannan.
-glucan+mannan, an increase was observed
TDF content compared to in nature yeast. Similar content
(69.7%) was reported by Chaud et al. (2007).
these authors reported that 60.2% of this fiber is in the soluble
form, which is contrary to the findings of the present study.
The results suggested that higher levels
of insoluble fibers are
associated with the shape of the
-glucan present in the yeast. According to Magnani and
Castro-Gómez (2008), there are two fractions of -(1-3)
glucan on the cell wall of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, one
soluble and the other insoluble. The insoluble portion
represents the largest cell wall component, while the
soluble portion accounts for 15 to 20%. Furthermore, Sinha
et al. (2011) reported that mannans are highly insoluble
polysaccharides in water and very dense.
general, all the DFC had low ash content, which is a good
indication of sample purity (Kliemann et al., 2009).
Extraction yield
The extraction yields of the different DFC obtai- ned
from agro-industrial sources are shown in Figure 1.
that had the highest extraction was
G+M with
a mean of
19.81% yield. In the literature, there is little data that allow a
comparison of the extraction yield of this fraction.
Published studies assessed the fractions in isolation, as in the
work by Chaud and Sgarbieri (2006), who obtained 25.13%
extraction yield for mannans and 42.92% for glucans from
the cell wall of semi-purified
Saccharomyces cerevisiae. For
pectin, the extraction yield
was 14.54%. On the other hand,
Calliari (2015) evalua- ted various methodologies for pectin
extraction from
citrus pulp and observed higher yields for acid
(39.23% for citric acid and 26.70% for acetic
acid). For pectin obtained from passion fruit peel, citric acid
was also the best extracting agent, resulting in about 70%
yield. In the same study, the extraction yield was lower for
nitric and hydrochloric acids - 38 and 26%, respec- tively
(Kliemann et al., 2009). Thermal extraction of pectin was
not as efficient as acid extraction, which is generally used in
the food industry (Canteri et al., 2012)
and has higher
extraction yields. However, this procedure
can be considered a
cost-effective and environmentally
friendly method because it
does not generate toxic waste
in the environment and has low
cost. The industries has faced an aggravation to the
environment, the residues generated in the production,
therefore it is urgent the adoption of actions that aim to
reduce the generation of residues.
In works carried out by Adorian et al. (2019),
Goulart et al. (2017a) and Goulart et al. (2017b) positive
results were observed on the growth, metabolism and
immune system of jundiás (Rhamdia quelen) fed with diets
supplemented with dietary fiber concentrates, de-
monstrating that they are potential candidates to exert
prebiotic effect on fish nutrition, since prebiotics are known
to act by stimulating the absorption of certain
altering microbial metabolism, and in addition
to increasing
the levels of antibodies and macrophage activity (Saad,
In relation to other nutrients, the procedures
employed for fiber concentration reduced the fat content.
decrease is probably due to the treatment used for
solubilization, combined with the hydrophilic nature
of the
solvent, has not caused translocation of fat to the resulting
extract. Likewise, CP content was reduced in
the resulting
dietary fiber fractions. For moisture and ash
content, the mean
values found in mucilage and pectin were similar to those
found in the literature (Cui and Mazza, 1996; Kliemann et
al., 2009). However, Chaud et
al. (2007) reported an ash
content 40 to 50% lower than
the findings found in the
present study. Nevertheless, in
The extraction yield of mucilage, 7.18%, was con-
sistent with other results found in the literature (Qian et
2012). Fedeniuk and Biliaderis (1994) tested different
to extract of linseed mucilage and observed a lower
extraction yield (3.6%) using low-temperature water (4°C).
On the other hand, when applying higher
Cad. Ciênc. Ag., v. 12, p. 0109, 2020. e-ISSN: 2447-6218 / ISSN: 1984-6738
Characterization and physicochemical properties of dietary fiber concentrates as potential prebiotic ingredients for use in fish nutrition
temperatures the mucilage had higher yield (9.4%), which
similar to the findings in the present study. Likewise, Cui et
al. (1994) observed a higher extraction yield of mucilage
using high temperatures between 85-90°C, pH 6.5-7.0, and
water:seed ratio equal to 13. It is sugges- ted that the high
temperatures cause the removal of a
greater amount of free water, increasing the extraction yield
(Kaushik et al. 2017). Besides the afore mentioned features,
the extraction yield of mucilage depends on the culture
environment and variety of this grain (Qian et al., 2012).
Figure 1 Extraction yield for mucilage, pectin, and glucan+mannan (G+M) obtained from agro-industrial sources.
In the present study, mucilage and pectin have the
greatest diversity of monosaccharide (Table 2). The mo-
nosaccharide composition present in mucilage was similar
the findings in the literature (Fedeniuk and Biliaderis 1994;
Oomah et al., 1995; Qian et al., 2012). Among the
monosaccharide present, xylose, galactose and arabinose
found in a greater amount. According to Ringo et al.
(2010), xylose oligomers (xylooligosaccharides) promote
the bifidobacteria growth acting as prebiotics.
galactose molecules (galactooligosaccharides)
and arabinose +
xylose (arabinoxylo-oligosaccharides) have been widely
used as prebiotic source for fish feeds.
The monomers that comprise the fibers are classi- fied
as pentoses - arabinose and xylose, hexoses - glucose,
and mannose, 6-deoxihexoses - rhamnose and fucose, and
uronic, glucuronic, and galacturonic acids (Meurer and
Hayashi, 2003). In addition, knowledge of the
polysaccharide composition is extremely important, because
the physiological impact of the fibers depends on the sugar
residues and the nature of the connections between these
residues (Sinha et al., 2011).
Table 2 Monosaccharide composition of dietary fiber concentrates obtained from different agro-industrial sources.
Components (%)
Results are expressed as mean (n=3). Rha: rhamnose; Fuc: fucose; Ara: arabynose; Xyl: xylose; Man: manose; Gal: galactose; Glc: glucose; UA: uronic acid;
Glucose, arabinose, and galactose were the main
neutral monosaccharide found in pectin. For commercial
pectin, Müller-Maatsch et al. (2016) obtained a similar
composition - higher levels of glucose, galactose, and
rhamnose, but in different concentrations than the fin- dings
in the present study. According to BeMiller and
Huber (2010), the composition and properties of pectin vary
according to their source, the process used during
preparation, and subsequent treatments. Regarding the
functionality of non-starch polysaccharides present in
pectin, Canteri et al. (2012) reported that the beneficial
effects of the pectin chain can be attributed to its ability
Cad. Ciênc. Ag., v. 12, p. 0109, 2020. e-ISSN: 2447-6218 / ISSN: 1984-6738
Goulart F. R. et al.
to be transformed into short chain fatty acids by the action
of pectinolytic enzyme-producing bacteria (Ae- robacillus,
Lactobacillus, Micrococcus, and Enterococcus).
Hotchkiss et
al. (2003) analyzed the in vitro fermentation
oligosaccharides derived from pectin extracted from
Valencia oranges and concluded that these components exert
bifidogenic effects and promote the increase of acetate,
propionate, and butyrate after fermentation.
cellular receptors, enhances the immune response of the
(Magnani and Castro-Gómez, 2008).
The physicochemical properties of dietary fibers
have important metabolic and physiological effects on the
body of animals. This is directly related to source of fiber
and processing. Processing can result in important changes
that must be taken into account, depending on the final
destination and the properties of the product intended for
commercialization (Zaragoza et al., 2001).
For G+M, monosaccharides found in larger amounts
mannose (74.5%), followed by glucose (24.3%), and galactose
(1.2%). According to Pinto (2012), some mono- saccharides, as
xylose and galactose, are associated with
which may be a probable explanation for the galactose
content found in the G+M fraction. In
relation to the
beneficial effects of the components present
in G+M, the
mannose units (mannanoligosaccharide) are responsible for
increasing the performance of fish
and feed efficiency.
Additionally, these constituents offers protection against
pathogens by leveraging the local and systemic immune
system and strengths gut integrity and
functionality (Sinha et
al., 2011; Torrecillas et al., 2014).
-glucan has shown potential prebiotic due to its immu-
nomodulatory effect. When it is recognized by specific
The values found for water holding capacity
(WHC) and oil binding capacity (OBC) are shown in Figure
2. In this study, mucilage showed high WHC. In biological
conditions, high levels of fiber intake coupled with high
water holding capacity causes greater bolus volume, more
satiety, increased viscosity of solutions in the
gastrointestinal tract, delayed gastric emptying,
among other
effects (Brito et al., 2008; Souza et al., 2008),
negatively on the zootechnical performance of fish. These
characteristics are not desirable in fish nutrition.
Figure 2 Physicochemical properties of the raw samples and the dietary fiber concentrates. CP: citrus pulp; G+M:
glucan+mannan; Yeast: Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Although pectin had the highest SF content, this
fraction had lower WHC than raw citrus pulp. It is
suggested that pectin had this behavior due to lower TDF
content. Furthermore, Macagnan et al. (2014) observed lower
WHC for orange pulp, even with higher SF levels compared
with the other ingredients. This author attri- buted the result
to the low amount of dietary fiber and the presence of free
pectin in this byproduct.
The G+M fraction had higher WHC compared
with in nature yeast. This behavior may be related to the
structure of
-glucan, because unlike cellulose, bindings
between glucose units are variable, causing a branched
structure and smaller size. These properties influence their
solubility, allowing them to form viscous solutions, and
acquire greater hydration capacity (Mudgil and Barak,
Cad. Ciênc. Ag., v. 12, p. 0109, 2020. e-ISSN: 2447-6218 / ISSN: 1984-6738
Characterization and physicochemical properties of dietary fiber concentrates as potential prebiotic ingredients for use in fish nutrition
The OBC quantifies how much lipid a fiber is
capable of absorbing. This physicochemical property is
associated with the fiber’s ability to bind substances in the
intestine, as well as bile salts, acids, and choleste- rol
(Souza et al., 2008). There was a small increase in OBC for
pectin and mucilage, and a slight reduction for
G+M (Figure 2). However, OBC was similar for all DFC
obtained in the present study. Thus, it is suggested that
regardless of the origin of the extracted fiber, the beha- vior
of binding to substances in the intestine is similar.
nutritional and technological properties that indicate
potential application as prebiotic ingredients for fish feeds.
The authors thank the Conselho Nacional de
Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) for
Research scholarship (Leila Picolli da Silva), Coordena- ção
de Aperfeiçoamento de vel Superior (CAPES) for
Doctoral scholarship (Fernanda Rodrigues Goulart) and
Alltech®, Giovelli & Cia Ltda and Santamate Indústria e
Comércio Ltda companies for donating the samples.
Monosaccharide composition, the nature of bin-
ding between monosaccharides, solubility, and physico-
chemical properties are features that directly affect the
functional properties of polysaccharides (Tavernari et al.,
2008; Bemiller and Huber, 2010).
Ethics Committee Approval
The study was approved by the Animal Ethics
Commission of the Federal University of Santa Maria under
number 23081.009051/2014-53.
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