Does seed treatment affect wheat yield components?
Joice Aline Freiberg
*, Marcos Paulo Ludwig
, Eduardo Girotto
A variety of products have been used on seeds to maintain or increase their grain yield potential. In this study, we evaluated
the effect of different seed treatment products, such as micronutrients, polymer, fungicide, and insecticide on the yield
components and grain yield of wheat. Wheat seeds of the cultivar “Tec Vigore” were subjected to 12 treatments, in different
combinations, using the following protective seed products: micronutrient 1 (1% Mn, 0.1% Mo, 10% Zn), micronutrient 2
(0.3% B, 0.3% Co, 3% Zn), polymer (ColorSeed HE®), fungicide (Vitavax®-Thiram 200 SC), and insecticide (Cruiser® 350
FS). At the point of physiological maturity, we proceeded with the following evaluations of the wheat crop: the number of
tillers per plant, the number of fertile tillers per plant, grains per ear, the mass of grains per ear, and grain yield. Seed
treatment did not affect the number of grains per ear or the mass of grains per ear. The number of tillers per plant and the
number of fertile tillers per plant were higher in seeds treated with fungicide + insecticide; however, seed treatment did not
significantly affect wheat grain yield.
Ears. Grain yield. Tillers. Triticum aestivum L..
O tratamento de sementes afeta os componentes de rendimento do trigo?
Uma variedade de produtos vem sendo utilizada no tratamento de sementes para manter ou aumentar o potencial produtivo de
grãos. Neste estudo, avaliou-se o efeito de diferentes produtos aplicados no tratamento de sementes, como micronutrientes,
polímero, fungicida e inseticida sobre os componentes do rendimento e a produtividade do trigo. Sementes de trigo da
cultivar Tec Vigore foram submetidas a doze tratamentos, em diferentes combinações, utilizando os seguintes produtos
protetores de sementes: micronutriente 1 (1% Mn, 0,1% Mo, 10% Zn), micronu- triente 2 (0,3% B, 0,3% Co; 3 % Zn),
polímero (ColorSeed HE®), fungicida (Vitavax®-Thiram 200 SC) e inseticida (Cruiser® 350 FS). Na maturação fisiológica do
trigo, procedemos as seguintes avaliações: número de perfilhos por planta, número de perfilhos férteis por planta, grãos por
espiga, massa de grãos por espiga e produtividade de grãos. O tratamento de sementes não afetou o número de grãos por espiga
nem a massa de grãos por espiga. O número de perfilhos por planta e o número de perfilhos férteis por planta foram superiores
em sementes tratadas com fungicida
+ inseticida, entretanto o tratamento de sementes não afetou significativamente a produtividade de grãos de trigo.
1Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. Santa Maria, RS. Brasil.
2Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do Sul. Ibirubá, RS. Brasil.
3Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do Sul. Bento Gonçalves, RS. Brasil.
*Autor para correspondência:
Recebido para publicação em 25 de fevereiro de 2021. Aceito para publicação em 01 de abril de 2021
e-ISSN: 2447-6218 /
ISSN: 2447-6218. Atribuição CC BY.
Agrarian Sciences Journal
Freiberg, J. A. et al.
Seed treatment promotes the protection of seeds
seedlings against diseases transmitted by seeds and insect
pests, which affect the emergence of seedlings, their
growth, and the grain yield potential. Based on the
importance of seed treatments, there have been studies
reporting their effect on the initial performance.
The experiment was implemented in June 2013,
through direct sowing, after the soybean culture. The plots
consisted of 20 rows that were five meters in length and
spaced at 0.17 meters. The crop management followed the
recommendations of the Comissão de Química e Fertilidade
do Solo RS/SC [Commission of Chemistry and Soil
Fertility RS/SC] (2004) and the technical in- formation for
the control of weeds, diseases, and pests in wheat crops
2013 (IAPAR, 2012). At the point of phy- siological
maturity, we proceeded with the following evaluations of
the wheat crop: the number of tillers per plant, determined
by counting the tillers of each plant in 0.5 m; the number of
fertile tillers per plant, by cou- nting the tillers with at least
one grain; grains per ear, by counting the number of grains
of seven ears collected randomly in each plot; and the mass
of grain per ear by
determining the mass of grains in each ear.
Furthermore, we evaluated the grain yield by harvesting 6
central rows
measuring 3 meters in each plot. The grain
mass was weighted, then the value was adjusted to 13%
humidity and expressed in kg ha-1.
In initial seedling establishment, seed treatment can
compensate for systems with smaller plant establish-
(Beres et al., 2016), especially those from low vigor seeds
(Heer, 1998). However, only a few studies have reported
the effect of seed treatment on the grain yield of the cultures,
notably in cultures such as wheat.
Considering grain yield, Freiberg et al. (2017)
found that seed treatment, which included the polymer
+ micronutrient treatment (1% Mn, 0.1% Mo, 10% Zn), had a
negative effect on wheat grain yield and reduced
weight. Conversely, Rufino et al. (2013) repor-
ted an increase
in the grain mass per plant after the seed treatment with Zn.
Meanwhile, the use of fungicide, Zn,
and polymer, either
alone or in combination, did not show
a significant effect on
the hectoliter weight of wheat.
The data were analyzed considering twelve
treatments and four repetitions in a randomized block
design. The analysis of variance and test of hypotheses
performed to verify the effect of the treatments, and logarithmic
transformations of data (log10) were applied
when the
normality of data was violated. When signi- ficant, the
means were compared using the Scott-Knott test at a 5%
probability level in the package ‘easyanova’ (Arnhold,
2013). Yield component values were also cor- related with
the grain yield using Pearson’s correlation at a 5%
probability level. All analyses were performed on R (R
Core Team 2019).
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the
of different products used in seed treatments, such as
micronutrients, polymer, fungicide, and insecticide, on
yield components and on the grain yield of wheat.
Material and methods
The experiment was carried out on crops grown
during 2013 in the experimental area of the Instituto
de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Rio Grande
do Sul,
Campus Ibirubá, RS, Brazil. Wheat seeds of the cultivar
“Tec Vigore” that were used in the sowing were produced in
the 2012 crop. These seeds belonged to the
same genetic
category, and presented an 80% germination
rate and had 93%
purity. Wheat seeds were subjected to
12 treatments, in
different combinations, using the follo-
wing protective seed
products: micronutrient 1 (1% Mn, 0.1% Mo, 10% Zn),
micronutrient 2 (0.3% B, 0.3% Co, 3% Zn), polymer
(ColorSeed HE®), fungicide (Vitavax®
Thiram 200 SC), and
insecticide (Cruiser
350 FS). Doses
of 1.5 mL .kg-1; 1.2 mL
kg-1; 2.5 mL kg-1; and 1.0 mL kg-1 were used in the treatments
of micronutrients, polymer, fungicide, and insecticide,
respectively. The mixture of products and water was
prepared in plastic bags with a capacity of 2 kg. Thereafter,
0.5 kg of wheat seeds were packaged and shaken until
completely coated. The experiment was carried out in
randomized blocks, with twelve treatments and four
replications per treatment, totaling 48 experimental units.
Results and discussion
Seed treatment did not affect the number of grain
per ear or the mass of grain per ear (Figure 1, Table 1).
However, a significant effect of seed treatment was observed
on the number of tillers per plant and the number of fertile
tillers per plant (Figure 1, Table 1). For the control
treatment (C), and the fungicide and insecticide (FI), the
number of tillers was 60% and 99% higher than the average
of other seed treatments.
The number of tillers is an important variable
associated with grain yield, especially when tillers provide ears
(Camponogara et al., 2016). We observed a positive
from using fungicide and insecticide (FI), as well as with
the micronutrients treatments (M1 and M2), on the
number of fertile tillers. However, this effect did not differ
significantly from the control. Conversely, the lowest
number of fertile tillers was obtained when the fungicide
and insecticide were mixed with the polymer.
Cad. Ciênc. Ag., v. 13, p. 0105,
Does seed treatment affect wheat yield components?
Table 1 Summary of the analysis of variance (p value and coefficient of variation %) and Pearson correlation.
Analysis of variance
Pearson correlation*
CV (%)
Grains per ear
Mass of grains per ear
Number of tillers per plant
Number of fertile tillers per plant
Grain yield
*Coefficients referrer to the association between grain yield and the respective yield component.
Furthermore, the quantitative variables of yield
components did not show a significant association with the grain
yield (Table 1) and no significant effect of seed treat-
ment was
observed on grain yield (Figure 2). According to Vesohoski
et al. (2011), the length of the ear, number of spikelets per
ear, and the number of grains per ear
have a positive
association with grain yield. Even though
we have not found a
significant correlation between the number of tillers and
grain yield, Valério et al. (2013) pointed out that the
genotype significantly affects the production of tillers and
noted that expression of this characteristic depends on the
sowing density. In this sen- se, genotypes with high tillering
potential should adopt a lower plant density per meter to
obtain greater grain yield. Among the important
characteristics to consider
when selecting wheat genotypes in
Brazil, Vesohoski et al.
(2011) reported that the weight of a
thousand grains is
associated with the number of grains per
ear. In addition,
Desheva and Kachakova et al. (2013)
reported that the length of the ear, grains per ear, and the
grain mass per ear are also relevant, as well as the number of
ears per unit area (Zhou et al. 2018).
return. These contrasting responses might have been due to
the protective products used on seed treatment, the cultivars,
and the environmental and management conditions of the
different stages of the phenological development of wheat
From a critical viewpoint, Pedrini et al. (2016)
question the use of products in seed treatment, especially the
polymers used in the coating. Although the coating is
perceived as a high-tech method that provides modifica- tions
to facilitate the handling of seeds and the addition of other
products, these authors highlight the need for
research to
substantiate these uses and question whether the amount of
material used in coating is necessary. In this
sense, more
studies testing different protective products
and their
combinations should be carried out to elucidate
the influence
of seed treatment on the yield components of wheat, as well
as on grain yield.
Seed treatment with micronutrients, polymer,
fungicide, and insecticide, whether separately or in com-
binations, does not affect the number of grains per ear or
mass of grain per ear. However, the number of tillers and
fertile tillers may increase after the seed treatment with
fungicide and insecticide without influencing the grain
yield of wheat.
Regarding the seed treatment, a few studies have
reported its effects on wheat yield components. Rufino et
(2013) observed an increase in grain mass per plant after
seed treatment with Zn. Additionally, while they found that
Zn significantly affected the yield, no signi- ficant effect on
the hectoliter weight of the wheat was observed after the
seed treatment with fungicide, zinc (Zn), and polymer,
alone or in combination (Rufino et al., 2013). Meanwhile,
the control seeds produced the lowest mass per plant, but
this group had the highest hectoliter weight. Furthermore,
Freiberg et al. (2017) did not report a significant and
positive effect of seed treatment on grain yield after
treatments with micro- nutrients, polymer, fungicide, and
insecticide, whether isolated or in combinations.
Conversely, Turkington et al. (2016) reported that the
combination of fungicide and insecticide provided the
highest yield and economic
We would like to thank the Fundação de Amparo
Pesquisa do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul [Foundation
Research Support of the State of Rio Grande do Sul] -
FAPERGS, for the scholarship granted to the first author. We
would also like to express gratitude to the members of the
Laboratório de Sementes e Grãos of the Instituto
Federal de
Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Rio Grande
do Sul
Campus Ibirubá, for their assistance in the field and
laboratory, and also to the mother of the first author for
assisting with the analysis of the yield components.
Cad. Ciênc. Ag., v. 13, p. 0105,
Freiberg, J. A. et al.
Figure 1 Yield components of wheat seed subjected, or not, to seed treatment with M1Micronutrient 1 (1% Mn; 0.1%
Mo; 10%
Zn), M2Micronutrient 2 (0.3% B; 3% Co; Zn 3%), polymer, and Fungicide (F) + Insecticide (I). Ccontrol.
Cad. Ciênc. Ag., v. 13, p. 0105,
Does seed treatment affect wheat yield components?
Figure 2 Grain yield (kg ha-1) of wheat subjected, or not, to seed treatment with M1Micronutrient 1 (1% Mn; 0.1% Mo; 10%
Zn), M2Micronutrient 2 (0.3% B; 3% Co; Zn 3%), polymer, and Fungicide (F) + Insecticide (I). Ccontrol.
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