Impact of breed, body score and animal category on the pregnancy rate of bovine females under
IATF management
Rosana Dias Campos1, Otaviano de Souza Pires Neto2, Carolina Magalhães Caires Carvalho3, Fernanda Santos
Silva Raidan4, Janderson Tolentino Silveira5, Igor Dias Soares6, Abel Martins Lafetá Lírio Brant7, Alice Ranielly
Chaves Santos8, Bruna Naiara Cardoso9
This study evaluate the impact of the reuse of the intravaginal progesterone implant (DIP), the body condition score
and the racial composition on the pregnancy rate of Nelore and Angus heifers (F1) and Nelore cows of different
categories submitted to different protocols of TAI, from a database of 3,093 females submitted to the same hormonal
induction protocol and from the mating season of a commercial farm in the north of Minas Gerais. The racial com-
position influenced the pregnancy rate of heifers, with rates of 55.11% for Nellore heifers and 64.36% for ½ Angus,
showing that the ½ Angus breed has 1.55 times more chances of successful gestation compared to the breed Nellore.
There is no effect of the progesterone implant until the third use on the pregnancy rate of the heifers evaluated. The
increase of one unit in the body condition score on the scale of 1 to 5 implies 1.9109 or 91.09% times more success
in pregnancy. The category of calving cows did not significantly affect the pregnancy rate in the evaluated herd, with
pregnancy rates of 58.1%, 62.8%, 77.7% and 62.9% for primiparous, early primiparous, secondary and multiparous,
respectively. The introduction of ½ Angus heifers to explore the effects of heterosis and complementarity between
breeds is a viable alternative. Cows, when well managed in the postpartum period, obtain pregnancy rates higher
than that observed in the national average.
Key Words: Angus. Body score. Gestation rate. Nelore. Progesterone intravaginal device.
1Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Instituto de Ciências Agrárias. Pós Graduação em Produção Animal. Montes Claros, MG. Brasil.
2Faculdades Integradas do Norte de Minas. Curso de Medicina Veterinária. Montes Claros, MG. Brasil.
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Instituto de Ciências Agrárias. . Montes Claros, MG. Brasil.
4Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) - Brisbane - Austrália.
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Instituto de Ciências Agrárias. . Montes Claros, MG. Brasil.
6Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Instituto de Ciências Agrárias, Zootecnista. Montes Claros, MG. Brasil.
7Faculdades Integradas do Norte de Minas-Funorte, Médico veterinário. Montes Claros - MG. Brasil.
8Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Instituto de Ciências Agrárias, Discente do curso de Zootecnia. Montes Claros, MG. Brasil.
9Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Instituto de Ciências Agrárias, Discente do curso de Zootecnia. Montes Claros, MG. Brasil.
*Autor para correspondência:
Recebido para publicação em 13 de março de 2023. Aceito para publicação 02 de junho de 2023. e-
ISSN: 2447-6218
Caderno de Ciências Agrárias está licenciado
com uma Licença Creative Commons
Atribuição - Não Comercial 4.0 Internacional
Agrarian Sciences Journal
Campos, R. D. et al.
Cad. Ciênc. Agrá., v. 15, p. 0109, DOI:
Impacto da raça, do escore corporal e da categoria animal na taxa de prenhez de fêmeas bovinas
em manejo de IATF
Este estudo teve como objetivo estudar o impacto da reutilização do implante intravaginal de progesterona (DIP),
do escore de condição corporal e da composição racial na taxa de prenhez de novilhas Nelore e Angus (F1) e vacas
Nelore de diferentes categorias submetidas a protocolos de IATF, a partir de um banco de dados de 3.093 fêmeas
submetidas ao mesmo protocolo de indução hormonal e oriundos da estação de acasalamento de uma fazenda co-
mercial do Norte de Minas Gerais. A composição racial influenciou a taxa de prenhez das novilhas, com índices de
55,11% para novilhas Nelore e 64,36% para ½ Angus, mostrando que a raça ½ Angus tem 1,55 vezes mais chances
no sucesso da gestação comparado a raça Nelore. Não existe efeito do implante de progesterona até o terceiro uso
sobre a taxa de prenhez das novilhas avaliadas. O incremento de uma unidade no escore de condição corporal na
escala de 1 a 5 implica em 1,9109 ou 91,09% vezes mais de sucesso na gestação. A categoria de vacas paridas não
afetou significativamente a taxa de prenhez no rebanho avaliado, com taxas de prenhez de 58,1%, 62,8%, 77,7% e
62,9% para primíparas, primíparas precoces, secundíparas e multíparas, respectivamente. A introdução das novilhas
½ Angus visando explorar os efeitos da heterose e complementaridade entre raças é uma alternativa viável. Vacas
quando bem manejadas no pós-parto obtêm taxas de prenhez superiores ao observado na média nacional.
Palavras- Chaves: Angus. Dispositivo intravaginal de Progesterona. Escore corporal. Nelore. Taxa de gestação.
It’s notable the distinction between nulliparous,
multiparous and primiparous with respect to reproductive
efficiency in beef cattle production systems. The hormonal
release responsible for raising stress levels in the pre and
postpartum associated with the presence of the calf, along
with the effect between growth and lactation, increases
the nutritional requirement and decreases reproductive
performance (Pilau; Lobato, 2009), especially for primi-
The Nelore breed, known for its adaptability and
robustness, is the most numerous racial group raised
in Brazilian herds. The crossbreeding between diffe-
rent breeds, such as Angus, allows to explore the effects
of heterosis and complementarity of the breeds, which
among other benefits can also increase the reproductive
efficiency of national cattle herds (Reggiori et al., 2016).
Some indices with marked differences between Bos in-
dicus and Bos taurus are age at puberty, environmental
adaptation, response to physiological stress and results
of estrus synchronization programs (Vasconcelos et al.,
Thus, to intensify the gain on the herds, it is
essential the efficient development, understanding, impro-
vement and use of technologies that contribute to optimize
the available labor and increase animal productivity (Ba-
ruselli et al., 2018). For example, the Fixed-Time Artificial
Insemination (TAI) can be a facilitating mechanism of
reproductive management that, when properly performed
paying attention to animal physiology, presents itself as
a positive artifice, ensuring a greater and more efficient
roof planning, births, weaning, and disposal of females
(Fontana et al., 2014).
Furthermore, fertility indices of females in the
herd can be improved through the use of estrous synchro-
nization protocol. For example, reduction in anestrous
period via hormonal stimulation, increase in the number
of calves and reduction in age at first covering and calving
by inducing puberty of replacement heifers (Santos et al.,
However, it’s important to note that, in any pro-
duction system, the applicability of this methodology is
available to help and optimize reproductive rates and
not exclusively to correct inefficient management in the
production process.
Given the above, the objective of this research was
to evaluate the pregnancy rate of different categories of
postpartum Nelore cows, Nelore and ½ Angus heifers, and
to study the impact of intravaginal progesterone implant
(IVP) reuse, body condition score and race composition
on the heifers’ pregnancy rate.
Material and Methods
The present study was conducted from the evalua-
tion of a database corresponding to the mating season of
the period 2018/2019, in a commercial beef cattle farm
located in the municipality of Jequitaí, Minas Gerais
(MG). The study implementation steps did not need to
go through the Ethics Committee on Animal Research,
given the character of the study in which there was no
effective manipulation of animals, but only the analysis
of data previously obtained by the property.
From the original database, the objective was to
evaluate the pregnancy rate of 3,093 females of reproduc-
tive age, subjected to TAI protocols and maintained under
Impact of breed, body score and animal category on the pregnancy rate of bovine females under IATF management
Cad. Ciênc. Agrá., v. 15, p. 0109, DOI:
the same conditions of feed management with Brachiaria
brizantha (cv. Marandu), mineral supplementation and
water ad libitum. As this is a retrospective analysis, only
animals with complete information that could be mani-
pulated were used.
It was considered as study material the animal
category (nulliparous, primiparous, early primiparous, se-
cundiparous and multiparous), racial composition (Nelore
vs Angus (F1)) and body condition score through visual
evaluation methodology (being classified on a scale of 1
to 5, where 1= very thin and 5= obese). As a criterion
for stratification of the animals to be evaluated, the body
condition score was used, including females with scores
from 2.25 to 4.
The animals were grouped according to the
categories studied: 2280 heifers (Nelore and Angus/
Nelore (F1) with average ages ranging between 36 and
24 months, respectively), and 813 calving and suckling
Nelore cows, divided into early primiparous, primiparous,
secundiparous and multiparous.
The estrous synchronization protocol started at a
random period of the reproductive cycle and a minimum
period of 45 days of uterine involution was respected
for the group of calving cows. All animals were sub-
jected to the same hormone induction protocol, with a
management model of 11 days. On Day zero (D0), 2mg
of Estradiol Benzoate was applied intramuscularly and
a 1.9g Progesterone intravaginal device of first, second
and third use was inserted. On Day 7 (D7), 500 mcg
of the luteolytic agent Prostaglandin PGF2α was also
applied intramuscularly. On Day 9 (D9), the intravaginal
device was removed and 0.5 mg of Estradiol Cypionate
and 500 mcg of Prostaglandin PGF2α was administered
intramuscularly. On day 11 (D11) insemination of all
animals was performed. As shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1 Schematic representation of the hormone protocol.
Source: From the authors, 2020.
Inseminations were performed by trained and
experienced inseminators, using random semen from
Nelore and Angus bulls. After 35 days of artificial in-
seminations, gestational diagnosis was performed by
transrectal ultrasonography.
The variables considered were: female catego-
ries, number of progesterone device uses, body condition
score, and breed composition.
Pregnancy rates were grouped into tables and
evaluated by the non-parametric method of Chisquare
((χ2) with 5% probability of error.
The response variable of pregnancy diagnosis
was assumed for presenting a binomial distribution (P
= pregnant; V = empty), being analyzed based on the
logistic regression methodology. This analysis can verify
the significance of each variable to explain the variation
in pregnancy diagnosis, quantify the change in the chance
of pregnancy for each unit increase in the regressor varia-
bles and use these variables to predict the probability of
pregnancy. All analyses were performed using R Studio
software, version 3.5.1 (2020).
Results and Discussion
Pregnancy rates according to racial composition
are depicted in Figure 2, with rates of 55.11% for Nelore
heifers and 64.36% for Angus (F1). The pregnancy rates
obtained in this study are favorable at TAI and our results
corroborate those observed by Nonato et al. (2019) who
found pregnancy rates of 45% to 59% in pubertal and
pre-pubertal Nelore heifers. Pregnancy rates between 40%
Campos, R. D. et al.
Cad. Ciênc. Agrá., v. 15, p. 0109, DOI:
and 60% gestation rate are considered satisfactory when
compared to the national average in TAI rograms (Sales
al., 2014; Andrade et al., 2018). Heifers are represented
as the group of animals of primary importance in any
production system, because they will be the possible
replacements cows, so the earlier an animal contribute
te the breeding herd, greater the economic impact on the
productivity of the livestock sector, because heifers that
conceive early will produce more calves and have their
life cycle intensified.
Figure 2 Pregnancy rate of artificially inseminated Angus/Nelore (F1) and Nelore heifers.
Prepared by the author himself (2020).
Table 1 shows an odds ratio of 1.56, indicating
that Angus (F1) breeds have 1.56 times more chance of
a positive pregnancy when compared to Nelore heifers,
probably due to the greater precocity observed in Bos
taurus cattle. And although zebu animals usually show
greater adaptability and rusticity to pasture production
systems in tropical regions, the effects of heterosis may
have favored sexual precocity in Angus heifers (F1) par-
tially explaining the superiority of the pregnancy rate for
the F1 animals evaluated in our study (Sartori et al., 2010;
Reggiori et al., 2016). In their experiment, Reggiori et al.
(2016) observed that the reproductive performance of ½
Angus x Nelore crossbred heifers were superior to Nelore
females due to the greater sexual precocity observed in
Bos taurus taurus.
Table 1 Relationship between pregnancy probability and breed composition Angus breed vs the Nelore breed).
Variable odds ration p value
Breed (1/2Angus x Nelore) 1.5587 (55.877%) p<0.01
Legend: *
Value (< 0.05). **
p Value (
< 0.01). ***
p Value (
< 0.001).
The successful pregnancy rate observed in this
experiment, greater than 55%, can be explained by the
fact that most heifers are already in puberty at the be-
ginning of the TAI rotocol (Batista et al., 2012) since the
inclusion of unproductive females is one of the causes of
low efficiency of the TAFI protocol (Gottschall, 2011).
Thus, gynecological evaluation prior to synchronization is
essential to ensure the success of the technique and avoid
losses in the production system. Nutrition also contributes
to the pregnancy rates obtained here, the animals were
kept on quality feed and with favorable body condition
scores when starting the mating season. On the other
hand, animals with compromised body condition scores
start their puberty later due to the demand of nutrients
for their basic functions, placing reproduction as the last
parameter to be attended.
Exposed to quality feed zebu heifers reach puberty
between 18 and 24 months of age, while taurines under
the same conditions begin their reproductive activity
between 11 and 15 months. In addition, taurines have
larger measures of follicular diameter, which demonstrates
their sexual precocity (Lunardelli et al., 2013; Nepomu-
ceno, 2013), and the corpus luteum of zebu females has
smaller dimensions due to the smaller follicular diameter
(Figueiredo et al., 1997).
There is no effect of intravaginal progesterone
implant of up to third use on the pregnancy rate of heifers
Impact of breed, body score and animal category on the pregnancy rate of bovine females under IATF management
Cad. Ciênc. Agrá., v. 15, p. 0109, DOI:
evaluated (Table 2 and 3), demonstrating that intrava-
ginal progesterone(P4) devices can be reused, allowing
the start of the synchronization of the cycle from lower
concentrations of this hormone, without reducing con-
ception rates, being a viable and efficient way to perform
the TAI Medalha et al., 2015).
Table 2 Correlation between pregnancy probability and reuse of intravaginal progesterone implantation in the Nelore
Variable odds ratio p value
Implants up to 3 uses 1.1786 0.4828
Legend: *
Value (< 0.05). **
p Value (
< 0.01). ***
p Value (
< 0.001).
Table 3 Relationship between probability of pregnancy and reuse of the intravaginal progesterone implant in the ½
Angus breed.
Variable odds ratio p value
Implants up to 3 uses 0.9687 0.853
Legend: *
Value (< 0.05). **
p Value (
< 0.01). ***
p Value (
< 0.001).
The results of this work corroborate those publi-
shed in the literature on the reuse of heifer progesterone
device implants up to 3 times (Carvalho et al., 2019;
Santos et al., 2018; Medalha et al., 2015; Gottschall et al.,
2012). The use of fourth-use intravaginal progesterone
devices is an effective alternative for inducing puberty
in heifers, thus, the authors reported a pregnancy rate
of 35.14% in this category (Coelho et al. (2021), and in
the same In this sense, Figueredo et al., (2019) found a
pregnancy rate of 48.18% also in beef heifers and under
conditions similar to those observed in this study.
The adequate concentration of P4 present in the
CIDR of 1.9 g (Pereira et al., 2018) does not compromise
the synchronization of a new follicular growth wave when
the device is reused. The reuse of P4 implants is feasible
as long as it has a concentration above 1ng/ml (Savio et
al. 1993). In new devices, on the other hand, P4 values
should remain above 2ng/ml until the device is removed
in 7 or 9 days (Rathbone, 2012).
According to studies by Muth-Spurlock et al.
(2016), the concentration of progesterone in the devices
reused for up to two times was 1.5ng/ml, which did not
influence the final pregnancy rate of heifers and Angus
Follicles become more responsive to Luteini-
zing Hormone in the presence of high concentrations
of progesterone which consequently improves fertility
and final conception rate (Giordano et al., 2013). Thus,
when thinking about cost x benefit in TAI the reuse of
the 1.9g progesterone intravaginal device becomes a
viable procedure, since pregnancy rates are maintained
independent of the use of new or reused progestogens.
The reduction in production costs, without interference
in production performance, means improvement in the
efficiency of the system.
Gottschall and Silva (2018) reported a pregnancy
rate of 57.6% in beef heifers using third use progesterone
devices, a result similar to that found in this study. Gotts-
chall et al. (2009) observed pregnancy rates of 61.1%
and 49.7% in Aberdeen Angus cows using intravaginal
progesterone devices, of 1st and 2nd use , respectively,
showing that the reuse of the progesterone device in the
protocol TAI is also effective in lactating cows with calf
at foot.
The pregnancy rates and odds ratio obtained by
heifers according to body condition score are summari-
zed in Tables 4 and 5. The effect of body condition score
on pregnancy diagnosis was evaluated through logistic
regression (Table 5). According to odds ratio and cor-
roborating the results shown in Table 4, the increase of
one unit in the body condition score of heifers implies
in 1,9109 or 91,09% more success in pregnancy.
Other authors reported the importance of body
condition on the conception rate in nulliparous, primi-
parous and multiparous females (Ferreira et al., 2013;
Costa et al., 2019; Hartmann; Machado, 2022).
The results of this study are similar to the findings
of Alves et al. (2022), where they observed pregnancy
rates ranging from 50.78% and 39.68% in the first and
second IATF in heifers with body score 3 (on a scale of 1
to 5). Costa et al. (2019) also achieved a higher pregnancy
rate in beef cattle with a score above 3 points, extensively
bred in the North of Minas Gerais region.
Therefore, according to Hartmann; Machado
(2022) and Martini et al. (2022), body scores equal to
or greater than 3.1 result in high conception rates in
systems that adopt fixed-time artificial insemination as
a reproductive method. Demonstrating that nutrition
is closely linked to the onset or return of clinical luteal
activity in bovines.
Campos, R. D. et al.
Cad. Ciênc. Agrá., v. 15, p. 0109, DOI:
Table 4 Relationship between the probability of pregnancy and the evaluated body scores of Nelore and ½ Angus
Total inseminated
2.25 a 2.75
3.25 a 3.75
Table 5 Correlation between ECC and pregnancy in artificially inseminated Nelore and ½ Angus heifers.
odds ratio
p value
1.9109 (91.09%)
Legend: *
Value (< 0.05). **
p Value (
< 0.01). ***
p Value (
< 0.001).
Studies by Tarouco et al. (2020) indicate that the
probability of pregnancy increases when the animal has
a body condition score of at least 3 points on a scale of
1 to 5, and that increasing the body condition scale by
0.4 points increased the chances of pregnancy by 25%
in cows and heifers. Abreu et al. (2018) correlated body
condition score with pregnancy rate in Brangus and cross-
bred heifers, with scores that ranged from 2.5, 3.0 and
3.5 points on the 1 to 5 scale, and lead to the conclusion
that the pregnancy rate was considerably higher when
0.5 (half) unit was added to the body score of these ani-
mals, with a pregnancy percentage of 34.7%, 41.3% and
61.3%, respectively, Reinforcing the obtained results in
this study. Torres et al.(2015) and Vaz and Lobato (2010)
also observed a significant correlation between SCC and
probability of pregnancy.
The pregnancy rates of Nelore cows submitted to
the TAI protocol according to each category are simplified
in Table. 6.
Table 6 Gestation rate of Nelore cows calved and divided according to animal category and inseminated by means
of IATF protocols.
Inseminated Animals
Rate %
Early Primiparous
p=0.341 p=0.3417
Legend: *
Value (< 0.05). **
p Value (
< 0.01). ***
p Value (
< 0.001).
The animal category did not significantly affect
the pregnancy rate (p=0.3417) in the evaluated herd.
In the group of primiparous females, 58.1% or (43/74)
females became pregnant, while early primiparous females
obtained a pregnancy rate of 62.8% (22/35), while second
and multiparous females achieved a pregnancy rate of
77.7% (14/18) and 62.9% (432/686), respectively.
The results presented here corroborate those
reported by Silva et al., (2017) who found a pregnancy
rate of 61.88% and 61.49% among multiparous and
primiparous females, respectively. Usualty primiparous
females are less efficient when compared to multiparous
and secundiparous females, due to the higher nutritional
requirements of this category (Patterson et al., 1992;
Medalha et al., 2015). For this reason, the return to cyclic
luteal activity of these animals becomes compromised,
which increases the calving interval and service period
(Cunha et al., 2013).
Medalha et al. (2015) when synchronizing primi-
parous and multiparous cows, concluded that primiparous
cows had lower chances of conceiving compared to mul-
tiparous cows. However, Castilho et al., (2018) reported
a 55.2% gestation rate in primiparous Red Angus cows
calved and submitted to TAI protocols.
Similar results to those observed in this stu-
dy were reported by Resende et al. (2014), who found
that early primiparous well-nourished cows can achie-
ve pregnancy rates of 62.79% and that it is financially
viable to exploit their genetics to the maximum in rural
areas because the pregnancy rate is not lower than that
of multiparous or secondary cows. It is believed that
Impact of breed, body score and animal category on the pregnancy rate of bovine females under IATF management
Cad. Ciênc. Agrá., v. 15, p. 0109, DOI:
nutritionally well-managed primiparous cows may have
gestation results equivalent to those observed in older
and experienced cows and that the energy required for
their essential functions would be being supplied by the
good nutrition offered, not influencing the response to
estrous synchronization protocols (Silva et al., 2017)
which justifies the rates observed in our study.
The secundiparous achieved a high pregnan-
cy rate among the categories, demonstrating the good
potential of these animals, overcoming the conception
rate observed by Carvalho (2017) with pregnancy rates
close to 70%. The high pregnancy rate was due to the
feeding strategy implemented on the property for pre
and postpartum.
The postpartum period constitutes as the most
critical phase in the reproductive efficiency of an animal
and although there is follicular development during the
postpartum anestrus, no follicle matures sufficiently to
ensure an ovulation, and this occurs due to the interven-
tion in the release of LH due to the impairment in the
hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis (Montiel; Ahuja,
2005). This intervention occurs mainly due to low food
intake, loss of SCC, lack of proper nutritional management
and the presence of the calf that together suppress the
release of hormones essential for follicular growth and
ovulation, compromising the results of the TAI (et al.,
2016). However, these factors, do not seem to interfere
with the final gestation rate of the females due to the
nutritional management in a strategic way on the farm,
causing most of these animals not to lose body condition
during the transition period and to be able to perform
their genetics to the maximum. Animals that did not
conceive during the reproductive season were able to
return to cyclicity, increasing the probability of a new
Therefore, the satisfactory pregnancy rate ob-
served in this study was due to the strategic nutritional
management instituted in the property in the pre and
postpartum period, which caused most cows not to re-
main in reproductive anestrous due to low weight loss
and SCC and return as soon as possible to cyclic luteal
activity, with a total pregnancy rate of 62.8%. Similar
result to that obtained by Viana et al., (2015) in farms
in Northern Minas Gerais of 62% pregnancy rate.
The pregnancy rate found is above the national
average of 50% of pregnancies obtained in IATF programs
(Siqueira et al. 2008; Gottschall et al., 2009). According
to Borges (2008) the acceptable pregnancy rates to the
IATF can range from 25 to 70%, and according to Ereno
et al. (2007) are considered satisfactory pregnancy rates
above 50%, because the costs for implementation of the
technique, as well as specialized labor and purchase of
medicines would not justify the low percentages of preg-
nancy, however, the results obtained here can be seen as
appropriate in programs of IATF.
½ Angus heifers showed greater precocity com-
pared to Nelore heifers. Intravaginal progesterone devices
can be reused up to 3 times in pure and crossbred heifers
without affecting pregnancy rate at the end of the breeding
season. The body condition directly affects the cyclicity
and consequently the response to hormone treatment,
being observed a higher percentage of pregnancies in
nulliparous that were in better body condition. The in-
clusion of younger cows in the herd becomes feasible in
the production system, since the indexes are similar in
the different phases.
This study was financed in part by the Coordenação
de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
- Brazil (CAPES) - Finance Code 001 and UFMG- Pro-
-Reitoria de Pesquisas.
RDC, OSPN,CMCC, FSR - Conceptualization, Methodology,
Validation, Formal analysis, Investigation, Writing - Origi-
nal Draft; RDC, JTS, IDS, AMLLB - Investigation; ARCS,
BNC, Writing - Review & Editing.
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