Horizontal Anthtopophagies

Silviano and Machado


  • Ivete Lara Camargos Walty Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais




metaphors, anthropophagic movements, literary projects, territorialities


In the research “Literary territorialities: projects in dialogue”, I have investigated the configuration of writing projects by Brazilian authors regarding their relationship with the concepts of literature, nation, intellectual/writer and their performance in the public space, always considering their transformations in the horizon of the aesthetic, ethical and political relationship. For such, I have used the concepts of territory, map, circuit, recursion, and anthropophagic movements as reading operators. Based on Raffestin (1993, apud CANDIOTTO; SANTOS, 2008, p. 160) that territoriality can be defined as a set of relationships that originate in a three-dimensional system of society-space-time, in this work, I analyze the relationship between the works of Silviano Santiago and Machado de Assis, outlining their literary projects, given by themselves as territorialities. Thus, I aim at investigating the metaphors that articulate the construction of Santiago’s texts in their hybrid composition, as well as delineating signs of other territorialities, especially those that concern the place of literature in Brazil, its agents and objects.


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