Perspectivas em Ciência da Informação 2024-02-29T00:00:00-03:00 Lorena Tavares de Paula Open Journal Systems <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Perspectivas em Ciência da Informação is a quarterly publication of the Escola de Ciência da Informação at the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. It was launched in 1996, replacing the Revista da Escola de Biblioteca da UFMG. It disseminates scientific articles, research reports, theoretical studies, literature reviews, didactic texts, experience reports, translations and reviews in the areas of Information Science, Archival Science, Librarianship, Museology and related areas.</span></p> <p><strong>Qualis – CAPES classification (2017-2020):</strong></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">A2 – Communication and Information and others field knowledge</span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Perspectinvas em Ciência da Informação is available in Open Access, in the Open Journal Systems (OJS) system, formerly called the Electronic Journal Publishing Service (SEER) and has no other domain or electronic address.</span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Authors wishing to submit articles to the journal can obtain more information in "<a href="">Guidelines for Authors</a>"</span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Readers are invited to register for the journal's publication <a href="">notification</a> service. The registration will allow the reader to receive the Summary via e-mail for each new edition. <br /><br />ISSN: 1413-9936 (press)<br /> 1981-5344 (eletronic)</span></p> Classical logic and non-classical logics in information retrieval models 2023-10-13T13:10:55-03:00 José Claudio Morelli Matos Matos <p>The use of logic in information retrieval (IR) models is examined through a bibliographic survey of the production in the field and critical analysis of relevant works. The survey reveals a growing volume of research on non-classical models that incorporate uncertainty, especially fuzzy logic in IR systems. The evolution of systems based on non-classical logics emerged from the classical/Boolean logic is discussed. It concludes with an attempt to respond to criticisms against logical formalism and recognizes the technical and conceptual evolution represented by the introduction of non-classical logical models in the field of IR.</p> 2024-05-14T00:00:00-03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Perspectivas em Ciência da Informação Fotografia nos arquivos 2023-06-30T23:46:36-03:00 Bruno Henrique Machado Telma Campanha de Carvalho Madio <p>Institutional photography, like any other record, should follow formal rules and institutionalized technical procedures for its production as an archival record. In this sense, the present text aims to present, in a theoretical way, the approaches given to photographs, whether analog or digital, in institutional environment; besides tangenting some guidelines for the archival maintenance of these documents. Thus, we analyzed some proposed projects that seek to maintain institutional photographs as archival records, namely: the international project International Research on Permanent Authentic Records in Electronic Systems (InterPARES), and the national project on resolutions and recommendations of the Technical Chamber of Audiovisual, Iconographic, Sound and Musical Documents (CTDAISM) and National Archive of Brazil. As a result, it was possible to identify, in the recommendations, that there is a consensus about the concerns of maintaining these institutional photographs, as guided by Archival Science. In this way, we conclude that it will only be possible to attribute a sense of archival record to photographs in institutions that are fully engaged in document management, promoting the maintenance of existing links with the contexts of production, circulation and use.</p> 2024-03-05T00:00:00-03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Perspectivas em Ciência da Informação Catalogation of tomb sculptures 2023-03-06T16:59:41-03:00 Vivian Rosa Storti Zaira Regina Zafalon <p>Tomb sculptures are artistic expressions present in cemeteries and that present a rich historical context over certain periods. The artistic value attributed to these sculptures makes these cemeteries consecrate themselves as sources for studies in different areas. With the question of how cataloging can contribute so that tomb sculptures are understood as sources of information, this article is built with the objective of establishing cataloging guidelines and definition of metadata applicable to tomb sculptures<strong>. </strong>Method It makes use of bibliographical survey. The selected works provided the basis for identifying the metadata elements for tomb sculptures. To select the metadata patterns, the universe created by Riley (2009-2010) is presented, of which 3 patterns were used to catalog 3 tomb sculptures. As a result of the cataloging, a brief analysis is presented to discuss the behavior of the identified elements Result. As a result, it appears that the metadata elements identified are applicable for the cataloging of tomb sculptures and contribute to the structuring of the collection in cemeteries that wish to explore the identity and understanding of these sculptures by society.</p> 2024-05-07T00:00:00-03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Perspectivas em Ciência da Informação Compartilhamento do conhecimento em incubadoras de empresas: análise de um portfólio bibliográfico 2023-01-25T12:48:25-03:00 Bruna Hernandes Scarabelli Rejane Sartori Arthur Gualberto Bacelar da Cruz Urpia <p>A inovação é um catalisador para que as empresas criem e desenvolvam vantagens competitivas, e uma das formas para viabilizar a inovação nas corporações é com o compartilhamento do conhecimento, que é um dos principais processos da Gestão do Conhecimento. Existem locais planejados para que ocorram o compartilhamento do conhecimento e a inovação, como, por exemplo, as incubadoras de empresas. As incubadoras de empresas oferecem suporte para as empresas incubadas desenvolverem vantagens competitivas, possibilitado pelo compartilhamento do conhecimento. Desse modo, o objetivo deste artigo é analisar como os temas compartilhamento do conhecimento e incubadoras de empresas vêm sendo explorados em pesquisas nacionais e internacionais. Esta pesquisa classifica-se como bibliográfica, de caráter exploratório e com abordagem qualitativa. Os resultados revelam estudos que relacionam essas temáticas, os quais foram divididos em cinco grupos distintos: como ocorre o compartilhamento do conhecimento, benefícios dos habitats de inovação, efeitos do conhecimento para a inovação, rede e relações e fatores que influenciam no compartilhamento do conhecimento.</p> 2024-03-11T00:00:00-03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Perspectivas em Ciência da Informação Generative artificial intelligence (IA) and information literacy 2023-07-27T19:44:34-03:00 Portuguese Portuguese Portuguese Portuguese <p>The Artificial Intelligence (AI) brings new challenges to knowledge acquisition. <strong>Objective</strong>: Discuss the impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on information competence and its importance for the efficient ChatGPT use in informational, academic and scientific demands. <strong>Methodological path</strong>: The research is characterized as exploratory, uses a qualitative approach and two data collection techniques: bibliographic research and observation. <strong>Result</strong>: People can use ChatGPT to simple meet (familiarize themselves with a new concept) and complex (summarize data) informational demands. This tool synthesizes content with inaccurate information and "minds" to complete tasks. <strong>Conclusions</strong>: To use generative AI tools like ChatGPT effectively and strategically, people need to assess their need for information, evaluate the content made available (as it may contain misinformation), ask strategic and assertive questions to direct AI and consult other sources of information. Therefore, information competence, specifically information ethics, is essential to utilize generative AI tools that uses advanced Natural Language Processing (NLP) such as ChatGPT in informational, academic and scientific demands.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: Scientific communication. Information competence. Artificial Intelligence - AI. ChatGPT. Perplexity AI.</p> 2024-04-17T00:00:00-03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Perspectivas em Ciência da Informação Formal elements for co-creation of value in information services 2023-04-11T18:42:54-03:00 Murilo Mauro Silveira Gregório Varvakis <p>The objective is to identify processes/elements of co-creation of value in information services from the perspective of librarians and users of law libraries. It is justified by the lack of studies that address formal elements for understandings to promote the co-creation of value in these Information Units (UI). It is characterized as a qualitative and exploratory research. Bibliographical research was used, whose investigation procedure was the semi-structured interview. As a result, elements/processes of co-creation of value in informational services investigated in legal libraries of Public Prosecutions in Brazil were identified. Knowing the elements of co-creation of value from the point of view of the library and the user, is having the possibility of building instruments that allow the management of these findings.</p> 2024-04-04T00:00:00-03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Murilo Mauro Silveira; Gregório Varvakis Estratégias de metacognição e de metaletramento: 2022-09-01T23:13:37-03:00 Maria Heldaiva Bezerra Pinheiro Kelley Cristine Gonçalves Dias Gasque <p>Neste artigo, resultado de pesquisa de doutorado, objetiva-se analisar a incidência da metacognição e do metaletramento no comportamento informacional dos professores do Instituto Federal de Brasília (IFB) na formação continuada em serviço. Como fundamentação teórica, foram aplicadas a estrutura do metaletramento, proposta por Tom Mackey e Trudi Jacobson, e as estratégias metacognitivas associadas ao LI, desenvolvidas por Kelley Gasque. A abordagem metodológica adotada neste estudo é empírica e quali-quantitativa com o emprego de pesquisa exploratório-descritiva. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de questionário e entrevista com um Grupo Focal On-line. O questionário obteve 110 respostas; a entrevista com Grupo Focal foi realizada com sete professores. O tratamento dos dados ocorreu por meio de estudo estatístico e análise de conteúdo. Os resultados mostram que os professores aprimoram a capacidade de avaliar o valor da informação, refletem sobre a complexidade das tarefas e desenvolvem estratégias para facilitar a aprendizagem. Além disso, percebem de maneira positiva as atividades relacionadas ao comportamento informacional. Eles afirmam que, ao reconhecerem lacunas no conhecimento, buscam ajuda de especialistas. Assim, observa-se que há indícios de estratégias metacognitivas no comportamento informacional dos docentes. Já no que se refere ao metaletramento, as estratégias necessitam ser potencializadas.</p> 2024-03-13T00:00:00-03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Perspectivas em Ciência da Informação Proposal for improving the maturity of knowledge management in confessional education networks 2023-08-24T16:05:11-03:00 Renato de Aguiar Corrêa Jurema Suely de Araújo Nery Ribeiro Fábio Corrêa Frederico Giffoni de Carvalho Dutra Josiane da Costa Vieira Rezende <p>This study focuses on the practical application of knowledge management in Confessional Teaching Networks in Belo Horizonte MG. The main objective of this study is to propose improvement strategies to raise the level of knowledge management maturity, with the potential to boost the institutional performance and educational impact of these organizations. We sought to identify and analyze the current level of KM maturity in such institutions, in addition to proposing practical improvements based on the results obtained. In the methodological development, an online survey was applied, whose data were analyzed according to the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO), Cronbach's Alpha and Pearson's r criteria, together with the p-value, guaranteeing the dimensionality, reliability and validity of the results. After the evaluation, it was revealed that the networks are at KM maturity level 3, corresponding to an initial stage, in which the importance of knowledge is recognized, and a more effective management begins to be sought. Some improvement proposals presented in this article can serve as a guide for institutions that aim to optimize knowledge management and, consequently, increase its impact and effectiveness.</p> 2024-04-17T00:00:00-03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Perspectivas em Ciência da Informação Brazilian minimun basic data set (CMD): fundamentals, development and implementation 2023-06-07T16:42:31-03:00 Leandro Manassi Panitz Waldecy Rodrigues <p>The article discusses the creation of the Brazilian Minimum Data Set for Health Care (CMD) in Brazil, a system inspired by the international Minimum Basic Data Set (MBDS). The aim is to overcome the limitations of existing health care information systems in the country. The methodology employed is the case report, with the intention of detailing the foundations and construction of the CMD. The first methodological step consisted of a comprehensive bibliographic review to understand the theoretical and practical context of the MBDS. Subsequently, a documentary review was carried out to report the construction, institution, and development of the CMD. Instituted as a public document, the CMD collects data from all health establishments in the country at each care contact, covering both the public and private networks. The CMD is part of the National Health Data Network (RNDS), allowing the sharing of care records among different points of health care. The article concludes that the CMD has the potential to transform health care delivery in Brazil, providing a solid basis for informed decision-making for the population, health professionals, and policy makers.</p> 2024-05-02T00:00:00-03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Perspectivas em Ciência da Informação DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS AND WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT 2022-12-26T15:15:49-03:00 Marcus Vinícius Chiulle Pinheiro orandi mina falsarella Pedro Henrique Mariosa Diego de Melo Conti Duarcides Ferreira Mariosa <p>Sustainability is a complex topic of great importance for academics, managers, and agents from the most diverse areas of society. Seen more broadly, it is based on at least three different dimensions, the environmental, the social, and the economic. In this context, among the threatened common goods, water emerges as the main resource surrounded by uncertainties regarding its future availability. For the management of water resources, it is important to have data and information to assist in the decision-making process. Given the amount of information required, two emerging Information and Communication Technologies can be useful for creating a Decision Support System, the Internet of Things (IoT) and Big Data. Thus, the objective of this work is to propose a conceptual model that represents a Decision Support System that uses Information and Communication Technologies with the purpose of providing information and subsidies to assist the decision-making process in the management of water resources within the space of a hydrographic basin. As a result, the conceptual model of SAD was presented based on the cycle of Organizational and Competitive Intelligence.</p> 2024-02-29T00:00:00-03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Perspectivas em Ciência da Informação