Call for 2025 dossier



The technological advances that we have been experiencing for a few decades inevitably have repercussions in many areas of life and human activity. In this sense, the fields of language, translation and didactics are not exempt from the contributions of ICT, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic, a phenomenon that has paradigmatically changed the ways of carrying out didactics in its broadest sense. Over the past four years, both teachers and students have been faced with a series of practical difficulties that, in many cases, have become new challenges and opportunities. Although IT resources were already being used readily even before the outbreak of the pandemic, distance learning highlighted both the advantages and disadvantages of the new scenario, revealing a series of deficiencies in the field of teaching. However, in this scenario of light and shadow, there were several cases of good teaching practices involving the active participation of students, both at school and university levels. Today, the situation has returned to normal and it is worth questioning this new "normality", as the changes that have been occurring in the field of teaching are here to stay.

This monographic issue aims to bring together a series of scientific contributions in the field of teaching foreign languages and translation in the new scenario caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. In line with the above, this monographic issue aims to present cases of research, action research and pedagogical experimentation in the area of teaching foreign languages and translation, whether written or oral. Articles may fall into the following areas:

- ICT and foreign language teaching
- ICT and translation teaching (written and/or oral)
- New approaches to language teaching and translation
- New educational contexts and environments
- Contribution of technology to linguistics applied to language teaching
- Reflections on good practices in post-pandemic language teaching
- Advantages and disadvantages of artificial intelligence
- Training students/teachers in the face of changes brought about by artificial intelligence