Trabalho & Educação | v.29 | n.3 | p.217-219 | set-dez | 2020
a supressão do Estado burguês e a instauração e definhamento do Estado
proletário? O objetivo geral desta pesquisa foi explicitar como Lênin apresenta,
em O Estado e a revolução, a sua concepção de organização e supressão do
poder, considerando a centralidade da categoria Estado. Por meio da leitura e
análise imanente, identificou-se, entre várias interpretações, os motivos que
levaram Lênin a dedicar-se aos escritos sobre o Estado em pleno processo
revolucionário russo. Para além das intenções da esquerda mundial, procuramos
identificar, com rigor, a concepção de Estado presente no arcabouço teórico de
Lênin. Por fim, demonstramos que seus escritos apresentam diferenças
essenciais entre o projeto de supressão do Estado dos projetos que buscavam
uma conciliação entre as classes. Considerando a luta como ato educativo,
evidenciamos que a formação e a transformação do ser social se realizam em
todos os espaços onde há enfrentamento ao sistema capitalista.
Palavras-chave: Estado. Revolução. Transição.
In 1917, at the climax of his intellectual and political life, Lenin wrote a classic of
the Marxist theory, The State and Revolution: the Marxism doctrine on the State
and the proletariat duties during the revolution. The uncertainty involving the
transition to communism and the role of the proletariat in the revolution took
shape in one of the great debates presented by the author. Published for the first
time in 1918, The State and Revolution was written between August and
September, 1917 during the political persecution of the interim government led
by Aleksandr Keriénski. Based on Karl Marx’s and Friedrich Engels’ classic works
such as The Civil War in France and The Origin of the Family, Private Property
and the State, Lenin, presented the Russian proletariat with elements for
comprehending the functioning of the State and the necessary conditions to
overcome it. While this work was a reference for left-wing political organizations
worldwide, the historical attempts that aimed to radically transform the structures
of the capitalist society showed limits, weaknesses and adaptations to the actual
regime and confirmed the need for discussion about seizing power through the
State. From this perspective and, considering the workers and peasants in
political parties, union and social movements that constantly take thousands of
workers to the streets demanding better living conditions and the channeling of
that discontent into the parliamentary elections, we ask: what conception of power
organization and suppression can we identify in Lenin’s thoughts in The State
and Revolution? What were the lessons learnt with past experiences? How is the
transition from capitalism to communism presented in his work, considering the
suppression of the Bourgeois State and the implementation and decline of the
Proletariat State? The overall aim of this study was to explain how Lenin presents,
in The State and Revolution, his conception of power organization and
suppression, considering the centrality of the State category. Through immanent
reading and analysis, it was identified, among several interpretations, the reasons
that led Lenin to dedicate himself to write about the State in the middle of the
Russian revolutionary process. In addition to the intentions of the world’s left-
wing, we seek to identify, accurately, the conception of State present in Lenin’s
theoretical framework. Finally, we showed that his writings present essential
differences between the project of State suppression and projects that sought
conciliation between classes. Considering fight as an educative act, we confirm