francesa de base marxista (KÉRGOAT, 1994; HIRATA, 2002, entre outros). Por meio
das metodologias relatadas busca-se responder a seguinte questão: Como se dá a
divisão sexual do trabalho entre os/as instrutores/as de jiu-jitsu, um esporte
marcadamente "masculino"? Os resultados deste estudo apontam que as assimetrias
nas relações sociais de sexo/gênero, principalmente no esporte estudado, criam um
ambiente hostil para as mulheres. Fatores como a associação da prática da modalidade
com características como força, violência e masculinidade, a perspectiva que esportes
de combate “masculiniza” a mulher, dentre outros fatores, contrapõem o estereótipo
vigente de feminilidade, compondo um cenário em que a mulher é vista como fora de
Palavras-chave: Divisão Sexual do Trabalho. Esporte. Instrutoras de jiu-jitsu. Relações
Sociais de Sexo/Gênero.
The present research is proposed in Line II: Formative Process in Technological
Education of Pos-Graduation Program in Technological Education (PPGET) of Federal
Center of Technological Education in Minas Gerais (CEFET-MG), which studies focus on
themes related to work-education in socio-economic and political-cultural context,
highlighting the historical and cultural processes, the relationships between societal
changes, the formal and non-formal professional education and the world of work. It is
considered here the broad concept of Technological Education, presented by Manacorda
(1966, 2007) e Oliveira (2000), as synonymous with polytechnics. Sports is then
presented as a pedagogical tool in itself, with a formative and educational character that
contributes, in addition to teaching technique and motor aspects, as a way of educating
the social subject in and through the physical activity (BENTO, GARCIA e GRAÇA, 1999).
In turn, sports instructors are considered as a professional class of educators in this area.
Based on Hirata’s (2002) assertion that the researches cannot be gender-blinded, female
jiu-jitsu instructors were chosen as the subject of this investigation. The objective was,
understand how the sexual division of work between Jiu-jitsu instructors occurs, a sport
markedly "masculine", from a dynamic and all-encompassing interpretation of reality. For
that, a qualitative approach was adopted, using bibliographic review and empirical data
collection instruments, mined in in-depth interviews with jiu-jitsu instructors who work at
sports academies in Metropolitan Regions of Belo Horizonte, in Minas Gerais. The
theoretical-conceptual bases for the analysis of these data are based on the theories of
the sexual Division of Labor and the Social Relations of sex/gender, derived from the
Marxist-based French Sociology of work (KÉRGOAT, 1994; HIRATA, 2002, among
others). Through the reported methodologies, we seek to answer the following question:
How is the sexual division of work among jiu-jitsu instructors, a markedly “masculine”
sport? The results of this study indicate that asymmetries in social relationships of
sex/gender, especially in the studied sport, create a hostile environment for women.
Factors such as the association of the practice of the modality with characteristics such
as strength, violence and masculinity, the perspective that combat sports “masculinizes”
the woman, among other factors, oppose the current stereotype of femininity, composing
a scenario in which women are seen as out of place.
Keywords: Sexual Division of Labor. Sports. Jiu-jitsu instructors. Social Relations of