An analysis of translation errors made by Brazilian students of English


  • Maria da Conceição Magalhães Vaz de Mello Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais


The purpose of the thesis is to do an analysis of the errors
contained in translations from Portuguese into English made by
Brazilian students and to establish their causes taking into account mainly the interference from both the mother tongue and
the foreign language. The errors detected were classified linguistically according to a taxonomy of error types containing 19 categories and 119 subcategories. They were also classified according to the causes which led the students to make then. The final conclusion was that 44% of the errors were due to interference from the mother tongue, 14% were due to interference from the foreign language, 16% were due to interference from both the mother tongue and the foreign language, 13% were errors of strategies cf communication and the
other 13% were errors of indeterminate origin.


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