Perceptions of Students in the Postgraduate Program in Community Developmente at Aunicentro on the Subject “Adventure Practices, Tourism, Environmente and Community Development”




Tourism, Adventure, Interdisciplinary


This article seeks to understand the manifestation of the interdisciplinary approach in a discipline of postgraduate, master and doctor degree, program at a public university in the south of the country. Thus, it addresses how the themes Tourism in Natural Areas (TAN) and Corporal Adventura Practices (CAP) are understood and assimilated by academics, who are researchers from different areas of knowledge, during the course, held in the first half of 2022. As such, a questionnaire with discursive questions was applied to collect information about prior and subsequent knowledge at the end of the discipline, in addition to analyses. The responses were systematized and compared, showing points of convergence, and proposing reflections on the importance of interdisciplinary experiences in academic education. As a result, changes in perceptions were observed during activities. The responses also indicated recognition of the community development potential of TAN in conjunction with tha CPAs, topics addressed during the semester.


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How to Cite

Cunha, E. N. L., Horst, F., Mazurek, G. B., & Teixeira, M. de F. (2023). Perceptions of Students in the Postgraduate Program in Community Developmente at Aunicentro on the Subject “Adventure Practices, Tourism, Environmente and Community Development”. LICERE - Revista Do Programa De Pós-graduação Interdisciplinar Em Estudos Do Lazer, 26(2), 1–21.



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