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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it under consideration to another journal.
  • The text adheres to the requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines
  • The manuscript main text file is in RTF file format, it was submitted along a PDF containing all Figures and Tables, and files with each Figure in a separate TIFF or PDF file.

Author Guidelines

Policy on data archiving

Lundiana asks to authors that data supporting the results in the paper are deposited in an appropriate public archive, such as GenBank, TreeBASE, Dryad, Morphobank or other suitable long-term and stable public repositories. In case of DNA or Protein sequences, the submission to GenBank or other member of the International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration is mandatory. Authors may opt to embargo access to the data up to time of publication.

The manuscript must include a “Data Availability” section summarizing all datasets, scripts, movies, raw data, character matrices etc mentioned in the article. A model for this section is provided in the manuscript template and manuscript preparation guidelines below.

Describing species

The publication of new species exclusively online is currently well established for all living realms given that some requirements are met. Of course, all traditional criteria of publicly available type material still stands, but below you can find the requirements specific to electronic publication to each kind of organism.

New animal and fungi taxon: According to the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature, after some recent amendments, to name a new zoological species, genus or family, the publication must be registered into Zoobank. Lundiana is currently archived in PKP Preservation Network and CLOCKSS, attending to ICZN requirements. In the case of new fungi, ICN accepts electronic PDFs given it includes in the protologue (everything associated with a name at its valid publication) the citation of an identifier issued by a recognized repository, such as MycoBank or Index Fungorum. In both case, editors of Lundiana will handle this for you, and include a link to the registration upon article publication.

New plant taxon: Requirements for publishing exclusively online botanical taxa or nomenclatural changes are similar to that of animals, except that providing a Life Science Identifier (LSID) is just recommended (Knapp et al, 2011). Anyway, upon acceptance, the work will be registered in the International Plant Names Index (IPNI), and a link to the registration will be included similarly to zoological papers.

New Bacterial Taxon: To have their work considered validly published, authors of new bacterial taxon must: (A) provide evidence that types are deposited in two recognized culture collections in two different countries. These certificates must be uploaded as Supplemental Files at submission; and (B) as required by the Bacteriological Code, the IJSEM publishes Validation Lists containing new names that were effectively published in any other journal. Authors should submit a covering letter and a PDF file of the published article to the IJSEM Editorial Office.

New Viral Taxon: All new viruses must be approved by ICTV before any individual taxon (and its name) can be official. To create a new taxon, a proposal should be submitted to the ICTV using the procedures detailed in their FAQ. Authors must provide in the cover letter sent to editors proof that a proposal has been made to ICTV, including the URL of the proposal, or if the new taxon has been approved, ratified and published, the publication listing the changes to virus taxonomy approved and ratified by the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses that includes the new name.

Cover letter

The corresponding author is asked to prepare a message addressed to the chief editor including the submission stating title, type of paper (opinion, full paper, short communication or review), total word count (including references, tables and figure legends), warrants that the manuscript has not been published previously, a statement that its submission has been approved by all co-authors and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. For taxonomic studies, authors also must provide the required information for indexing or validation of new taxa (see above).

We also ask authors to suggest up to five names of possible reviewers to the manuscript to make the process and state any conflict of interest.

Manuscript preparation for research articles

A template for the manuscript is provided here. We strongly recommend preparing the manuscript by replacing or pasting your text into this template to make easier keep the journal standard. Manuscripts must be submitted as a RTF file containing text and tables, separate figures in TIFF, EPS or PDF format, and a PDF file containing text, tables and figures. Ensure the information in the manuscript matches the entered in OJS during submission.

Text must have pages and lines numbered, and justified throughout. Use Times New Roman font, size 12, 1.5 line spacing for text with 2.5 cm all margins and paper size A4.

Details on each section of manuscript are provided below:

1- Title Page.

It must include the Title, a Running title, Authors’ name and affiliations, Abstract, and five Keywords. The title must count up to 150 characters while running title up to 40. Authors are associated by superscript numbers to their affiliations. The corresponding author must be indicated by an asterisk. Abstract must count no more than 500 words (or 3,000 characters).

The abstract must be self-contained and concisely describe the background that motivated the study, the methodology employed and the results obtained. In order to improve the ability of searching algorithms to find species descriptions, we recommend that their names are mentioned in the abstract of your article.

2- Introduction

The introduction must provide the background needed to understand the reasons why the study was done and the implications of results obtained. Hypotheses driven studies must explicitly state them in this section. The text may include headings for subsections in bold. Spell out the entire scientific name the first time as a species is cited in the manuscript.

3- Material & Methods

Methods must be described with details enough to allow replicating the study reported. Papers accessing the genetic heritage in Brazil (e.g. by sequencing genetic markers) must provide SisGen accession numbers in this section.

4- Results

Report in detail your results, making your best to reveal the raw data to the reader. Report the ranges, averages, and number of individuals from which a structure was measured instead of “longer than”; report “p = 0.0358” instead of “p<0.05", and so on. Use SI units.

Taxonomical papers require a special structure including the diagnosis of parent taxon; new species name or new occurrence name and authorship; species diagnosis; synonym if already described species; Type material or material examined; and the description of a new taxon with remarks on its identity. See the template paper for details.

5- Discussion

Start discussing the most important findings and answering to the initial questions. Show how your findings agree or differ with previous studies, and the strengths and limitation of your results. Point to new directions inspirited by your study.

6- Conclusion

This section is optional for taxonomic papers. Concisely review the hypotheses addressed by the study or review the most important findings and future directions.

7- Acknowledgments

In addition to thanking the people who helped you during the work, acknowledge the funding agencies that sponsored your work.

8- References

Please ensure that every reference cited in the text is also present in the reference list (and vice versa).

Cite the references as in the following examples:


This species has been widely sampled (Marinho et al. 2002; Pereira & Medeiros 2008)”.

Soares et al. (2014) suggest....”.


Reference list should be arranged in alphabetical order. Personal communication must be cited in the text only and should not appear in the list of references. Papers in press or already accepted may be included in the reference list with their respective DOI number. Examples of reference citations:



Drake C.J. & Harris H.M. (1945) Concerning the genus Metrobates Uhler (Hemiptera, Gerridade). Revista Brasileira de Biologia, 5, 179-180.

Drummond A.J., Suchard M.A., Xie D. & Rambaut A. (2012) Bayesian phylogenetics with BEAUti and the BEAST 1.7. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 29, 1969-1973.


Pennak R.W. (1978) Freshwater invertebrates of the United States. Second Edition. New York, John Wiley, 803 p.

Book chapters:

Tellam R. (1996) The peritrophic matrix. In: Leehane, M.J. & Billingsley, P.F. (Eds.), The insect Midgut. London, Chapman & Hall, pp. 253-261.

Internet resources

Hashim-Jones J. (2020) Interactive International Chronostratigraphic Chart, International Commission on Stratigraphy. Available from: (28 May 2020).

8- Data Availability and supplementary material

Authors must make clear how they are making their data publicly available, as well as scripts, additional figures and pictures, movies, tutorials etc.

It may be achieved by submitting these items to a repository such as FigShare, GenBank, TreeBASE, Dryad (It is not free of charge), Morphobank, CRAN, SourceForge, etc. or through supplementary material associated to the article.


DNA sequences: Genbank accessions, ######–########.

Population and samples characterization, including details on sampling, sequencing, and genetic diversity statistics: Dryad

Climate data and Maxent input files: Dryad

Scripts used to niche comparison and modeling: Supplementary_File.r

9-Figures and tables

Manuscript must contain captions for tables and figures placed after Data Availability and supplementary material section. They must be concise and self-contained, explaining any abbreviation or symbol employed to point to structures or highlight values in graphics.

Tables and Figures will be arranged in the most convenient way when formatting the proofs. They must be cited and numbered in the text in the order that they should appear. Tables must be included in the RTF and in the PDF to be submitted, just after the captions. Figures must be submitted in separate files and in the PDF only, after tables.

Prepare your illustrations keeping in mind the following guidelines:

1- The image size must be 160 mm or 80 mm wide (entire or half page), up to 240 mm high, resolution at 600 dpi.

2- Images containing text and line arts (graphs, ink draws) are better processed if saved as EPS or PDF.

3- Images containing pictures are better processed if saved as TIFF.

4. If you are not sure which format would be the best option, it is always best to default to EPS or PDF as these are more likely to preserve the high-quality characteristics of the original.

Guidelines to sections other than research articles

We refer authors to Information to authors menu for details. Opinion section publish essays. The section on Education, science history, conservation policy and outreach publishes articles with a structure similar to regular research articles and the instructions above may be followed to prepare manuscripts to this section, obviously with the due adjustments.

Short and technical notes must include a short abstract (up to 200 words) and its total length up to 4000 words. Short notes should contain no more than two figures, two tables, and thirty references. Technical notes must adhere to the same upper limit of words, but may include up to six figures.

Reviews are monographic and presenting as mandatory sections Title, Abstract, Keywords, Main Text, Acknowledgments and References only.

Despite their differences, all sections must adhere the same basic stylistic guidelines.


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Os nomes e endereços informados nesta revista serão usados exclusivamente para os serviços prestados por esta publicação, não sendo disponibilizados para outras finalidades ou a terceiros.