The Avaliação dos Atributos dos Programas de Compliance para o desenvolvimento do Sistema Blockchain no Contexto das organizações

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Henrique Rodrigues Lelis
Daniel Pardini
Eloy P Lemos Junior


Compliance programs have legal, administrative and technological attributes that help organizations find solutions related to strategy, management and organizational governance. In turn, blockchain has been described as a digital system with potential for use in numerous activities, as any activity whose function is to protect and transfer digital assets can be impacted by the system. However, there are criticisms and reservations regarding its adoption by organizations, especially regarding issues related to the regulatory framework, corporate governance and technological management. From this perspective, it becomes relevant to relate the attributes of compliance programs to the development of blockchain in the organizational dimension, which is the proposal of this research. The gap explored with this research is to describe the implications that the attributes of compliance programs can bring to the development of blockchain technology, in the context of organizations. To explore the topic, a panel of experts and a Delphi round were created to structure a survey that sought evidence that demonstrates the existence or not of contributions from compliance programs to the development of the blockchain. This article presents the results relating to the organizational dimension of the doctoral thesis “Attributes of Compliance Programs for the blockchain, in the context of the Dimensions of the State, Organization and Individual”, defended by the first author, in the Doctoral program in Information and Management Systems of Knowledge at Universidade Fumec, with UNIVERSIDADE FUMEC and FAPEMIG as funding institutions.

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Research Articles

Author Biographies

Daniel Pardini, Universidade Fumec

Doutor em Administração pelo CEPEAD-UFMG-Birmingham University (doutorado sanduíche com bolsa da CAPES, 2004). Mestre em Administração Pública pela Fundação João Pinheiro (1998). Graduado em Administração pela Una-União de Negócios e Administração (1988).

Eloy P Lemos Junior, Universidade de Itaúna

Pós-doutorado em direito pela PUC/MG (2018), Doutorado em direito empresarial pela UFMG, Mestrado e especializações. Foi bolsista da CAPES na Universidade Clássica de Lisboa e pesquisador da FUNDEP-UFMG.

How to Cite

The Avaliação dos Atributos dos Programas de Compliance para o desenvolvimento do Sistema Blockchain no Contexto das organizações. (2025). Advances in Knowledge Representation, 5(1).