The importance of a preventive protocol in dental care of patients with cleft lip and palate

a systematic review of literature


  • Bruna Regina Rodrigues Alves Universidade do Oeste de Santa Catarina
  • Luana Gabriela Lopes Duarte Universidade do Oeste de Santa Catarina
  • Grasieli de Oliveira Ramos Universidade do Oeste de Santa Catarina



Cleft lip, Cleft palate, Dentists, Protocols, Dental


Aim: This study sought to systematically review publications in the literature related to the Dentist’s Protocol as regards palatal cleft patients.

Methods: This study reviewed articles published up to March 2018, in English, Portuguese, and Spanish, obtained through data searches on PubMed, Scopus, LILACS, Bireme, SciELO, as well as through a manual search in the references of the identified articles.

Results: The search resulted in 141 articles; after the application of the exclusion criteria, four articles were selected. The selected articles were literature reviews, making it impossible to conduct a systematic review of the literature. All of the obtained articles were read in full, resulting in a care protocol that was divided according to the dental eruption stages, with emphasis on prevention. The protocol was divided into: the pre-eruptive and deciduous dentition stage, mixed denture, and permanent dentition. In the pre-eruptive and deciduous dentition stage, the dental advice is to emphasize prevention; in the mixed dentition stage, there is the beginning of preventive orthodontics as well as the maintenance of preventive actions; while in the permanent dentition stage, one again works with prevention. fixed orthodontics is begun, and when necessary, orthognathic surgery is also applied.

Conclusion: Regarding the findings, the importance of prevention during all stages is clear, in an attempt maintain the perimeter of the dental arch and the integrity of the permanent teeth. The dentist should be able to perform the service based on a protocol for the correct handling according to the age range and dental eruption stage of the patient. The improvement of the dentist in providing dental care to patients with cleft lip and palate should be constant, as should the creation of an affective bond with the patient and the family, aimed at providing a precise and humanized treatment.


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How to Cite

Alves, B. R. R., Duarte, L. G. L., & Ramos, G. de O. (2019). The importance of a preventive protocol in dental care of patients with cleft lip and palate: a systematic review of literature. Arquivos Em Odontologia, 55.


