Validation of dental research instruments in Brazil

a bibliometric study, based on the annals of a Brazilian conference




Bibliometrics, Validation study, Surveys and questionnaires


Aim: To analyze studies reporting the validation of research instruments published in the annals of the annual meetings of the Brazilian Society of Dental Research (SBPqO), between 2010 and 2019.

Methods: A bibliometric study, including abstracts reporting the cross-cultural adaptation or evaluation of the psychometric properties of research instruments, was conducted. Studies reporting the development of research instruments were excluded. Three independent and calibrated researchers read the abstracts and extracted information regarding: year, geographic location, and type of educational institution of authors, funding, study objective, original language of the instrument, construct, and target audience. Data were analyzed descriptively.

Results: Twenty-six studies were included; most were published in 2018 (23%) and 2019 (30.5%), by researchers from public institutions (88.4%) and from the states of São Paulo (35%) and Minas Gerais (27%). Half of the studies performed the cross-cultural adaptation and evaluation of psychometric properties jointly. The most frequent constructs were oral health literacy (OHL) (23%) and oral health-related quality of live (OHRQoL) (15.4%). Most instruments were directed toward adults (38.4%) and health professionals (19.3%).

Conclusion: The number of studies reporting the validation of research instruments was low, concentrated in the years 2018 and 2019, and mainly conducted by researchers from public universities in São Paulo and Minas Gerais. Most studies performed the cross-cultural adaptation and evaluation of psychometric properties of instruments concerning OHL and OHRQoL.


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How to Cite

Aires, B. L. A., Santos, J. de A., Costa, S. R. de M., Gonzaga, A. K. G. ., Silva e Farias, I. P., & Firmino, R. T. (2022). Validation of dental research instruments in Brazil: a bibliometric study, based on the annals of a Brazilian conference. Arquivos Em Odontologia, 57, 69–77.


