Psychological distress of patients with oral pathologies in the perspective of Psychology


  • Nathália Cristina Monteiro Nascimento Centro Universitário FAMETRO
  • Júlio César Pinto de Souza Centro Universitário FAMETRO



Smile, Mental disorders, Self concept, Stress psychological


Aim: To investigate the nature of psychological distress caused by oral problems.

Methods: This research adopted a qualitative approach and exploratory-descriptive design, employing, as data collection tools, a semi-structured interview and an unsystematic observation. For the research’s data analysis, content analysis was used, and the research sample featured 25 participants, between men and women, who sought out dental care in a Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil dental clinic between May and June 2020.

Results: All the participants were affected psychologically by the existence of oral problems, which led to self-esteem and self-image problems. With the start of treatment, the participants reported an improvement in self-esteem and self-image, not minimizing, however, other types of feelings that come with oral problems, like discomfort, pain, and bullying.

Conclusion: Oral problems can cause psychological pain to the patients, harming their self-esteem and self-image, often leading to isolation and trouble interacting with other people. Therefore, a harmonious smile is important not only for esthetic reasons, but also for individuals to feel good about themselves.



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How to Cite

Nascimento, N. C. M. ., & Souza, J. C. P. de. (2022). Psychological distress of patients with oral pathologies in the perspective of Psychology. Arquivos Em Odontologia, 57, 266–273.


