
  • Eline Miranda Correia Lima Universidade Federal do Ceará
  • Maria Eneide Leitão de Almeida Universidade Federal do Ceará
  • Denise Lins de Sousa Universidade Federal do Ceará
  • José Gomes Bezerra Filho Universidade Federal do Ceará


Vaccination, Transmittable disease control, Hepatitis B


Infection represents a real threat in the dentistry practice when preventive measures are not adopted. Immunization is an important resource to the prevention against these diseases. The aim of this study was to find out the students, professors and servants’ immunization profile in the Federal University of Ceará Dental School, as well as ways of access to information about vaccination, and the reasons reported by the questioned people who did not adopt these preventive measures as to why. It’s a descriptive transverse study done with 316 participants using a self-administered questionnaire. The collected data were examined with statistical analysis. A higher prevalence of vaccination against hepatitis B (72,7% of the servants; 81,8% of the professors and 62,0% of the students) and diphtheria/tetanus (63,6%; 47,7%; 68,0%, respectively) was observed, when compared to the other immune-preventive diseases. Forgetfulness was the main reason reported for not vaccinating, and the formal education was the main way of access to information. Considering the high risks of infection in the dentistry practice, the study showed that the immunization ratios were not satisfactory; thus, the health institutions must be more attentive to their members’ immunization.


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How to Cite

Lima, E. M. C., Almeida, M. E. L. de, Sousa, D. L. de, & Filho, J. G. B. (2016). STUDENTS, PROFESSORS AND SERVANTS’ IMMUNIZATION PROFILE OF THE FEDERAL UNIVERSITY OF CEARÁ DEN- TAL SCHOOL. Arquivos Em Odontologia, 42(3). Retrieved from


