Variability of endodontic treatment techniques in primary teeth

a literature review


  • Camila Pontes Azevedo Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
  • Roberta Barcelos Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
  • Laura Guimarães Primo Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro


Endodontics, Pulpectomy, Primary teeth, Root canal irrigants, Root canal filling


They are many techniques for pulpectomy in primary teeth, which vary, mainly, according to the substances used in the disinfection of root canals and filling pastes. Dental literature on this subject is ample and complex, presenting different conclusions regarding the best modality of pulp therapy for primary teeth. Thus, the aim of this paper is to review the dental literature on the variability of different techniques of pulpectomy in primary teeth and to argue the points that influence the success of this treatment.


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How to Cite

Azevedo, C. P., Barcelos, R., & Primo, L. G. (2016). Variability of endodontic treatment techniques in primary teeth: a literature review. Arquivos Em Odontologia, 45(1). Retrieved from


