Analysis of radiographic errors in the pediatric dentistry clinic of a higher education institution in Teresina, Piauí, Brazil


  • Aessio Freire da Silva Filho Centro Universitário UniFacid
  • Juliana Marques e Silva Lucas Centro Universitário UniFacid
  • Érica Natasha Duarte Silva Centro Universitário UniFacid
  • Daniela Nunes Nogueira Centro Universitário UniFacid
  • Márcia Regina Soares Cruz Centro Universitário UniFacid
  • Neusa Barros Dantas Neta Centro Universitário UniFacid



Child, Tooth deciduous, Radiography dental


Aim: To evaluate the prevalence of radiographic errors in periapical radiographs of a pediatric dentistry clinic in a higher education institution in Teresina, Piauí, Brazil.

Methods: This work is a retrospective cross-sectional study. Sociodemographic and radiographic data (location and presence of radiographic technique errors, processing, and storage) were collected. The radiographs were analyzed by a single calibrated examiner (kappa > 0.80). Descriptive analysis of the data, chi-square test, unadjusted prevalence ratio (PRnon-adjusted), and confidence intervals (95% CI) were performed. A p-value < 0.05 was considered significant.

Results: Of the 208 radiographs analyzed in this study, 187 (89.9%) presented some type of error. The most prevalent error was the radiographic technique (n = 115; 55.3%). Among these, shaky radiography was the most frequent (n = 57; 28.4%). The most frequent processing error was the presence of fingerprints (n = 37; 17.8%). All storage errors (n = 89; 100%) were related to failure to identify the patient. The technical error was associated with patients younger than 5 years of age (PRnon-adjusted = 1.2; 95% CI 1.1-1.3) compared with 6 to 10 years of age. No association was observed between the type of radiographic error and the dentition assessed on the radiographs (p > 0.05).

Conclusion: The number of errors detected in this study was high and the most frequent concerned the poorly performed radiographic technique. All storage errors observed in this study were due to the failure to identify the patients. Children under 5 years of age proved to be more prone to technical radiographic errors than those of 6 to 10 years of age.



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How to Cite

Silva Filho, A. F. da ., Lucas, J. M. e S., Silva, Érica N. D. ., Nogueira, D. N. ., Cruz, M. R. S., & Dantas Neta, N. B. (2022). Analysis of radiographic errors in the pediatric dentistry clinic of a higher education institution in Teresina, Piauí, Brazil. Arquivos Em Odontologia, 57, 46–56.


