
  • Cristián De Bravo Delorme Universidad de Sevilla


Diálogo, verdad, polifonía, perspectiva


The following paper aims to highlight the polyphonic character of Platonic thought and to question the meaning of Plato's authorship. To assume, from obstinate modern prejudices, that Plato, like any modern writer, would have exposed his own doctrine, is to ignore the importance of the dramatic form of his thought. The testimony of the variety of interlocutors and points of view that take place in the different dialogues, invites us to pay attention to the complex plot of Platonic thought, whose variety of functions corresponds to the limits and scope of the discourse of those who, in a given moment and situation, cooperate in the dialogue


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How to Cite

DE BRAVO DELORME, C. PUNTOS DE VISTA DE LA VERDAD: SOBRE EL CARÁCTER POLIFÓNICO DEL PENSAMIENTO PLATÓNICO. Revista Kriterion, [S. l.], v. 61, n. 145, 2020. Disponível em: https://periodicos.ufmg.br/index.php/kriterion/article/view/25652. Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.


