

Neutrality, Sex Genders, Dispersion, Freedom, Temporal horizon


In this work we will analyze the considerations about Dasein´s
neutrality and sexuality in their articulations with the factual dispersion and freedom in Heidegger’s elaborations between 1927 and 1929. In this framework we propose to argue that such considerations have the function of highlighting the primary character of the ontological structure of Being-with and the original horizon of temporality, from which it circumscribes the thrust of the respective dynamics. To do this, we will first analyze the consideration of neutrality and dispersion in Sein und Zeit within the framework of its specifications regarding everyday Dasein. Then, we will distinguish the specifications and reworkings in
his course from Marburg (1928), regarding the ontological status that he confers on neutrality in its relations with factual concretion and freedom. Finally, we will dedicate the last section to the analysis and interpretation of the meaning of neutrality and dispersion that he articulates in a differential way in his Freiburg
course (1928-1929). Next to it, we seek to contribute with the clarification of
the place occupied by the considerations of physical corporeality in this period, in dialogue with relevant interpretations of his work.


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How to Cite

BUTIERREZ, L. F. THE APPROACH OF DASEIN’S NEUTRALITY AND SEXUALITY IN HEIDEGGER’S ANALYTICS BETWEEN 1927 AND 1929. Revista Kriterion, [S. l.], v. 63, n. 151, 2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 27 jul. 2024.


