

Art, Enowning, Heidegger, World, Innerworldly


The aim of the article is to characterize Martin Heidegger’s
philosophy of art, as accurately as possible, through what he wants to take distance from; and then we seek to outline a problem that seems structural. With the notion of enowning [Ereignis] Heidegger intends to distinguish his
perspective on art especially from two other ones, namely that of Neokantian tradition and Hegel’s. This allows us to have a dimension of Heidegger’s conceptual radicalism, insofar as the enowning aims to point to a poetic moment
which is prior to language. This moment is conceived as a world disclosure. However, it escapes the reference relations foreseen in the notion of world, and becomes basically unspeakable. In addition, the work of art that opens up a world can also be identified as something innerworldly, thus entangling Heidegger’s own perspective in a series of seemingly unsurmountable difficulties.


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How to Cite

GRUPILLO, A. ENOWNING, WORLD AND INNERWORLDLY ENTITY:: SOME ISSUES IN MARTIN HEIDEGGER’S PHILOSOPHY OF ART. Revista Kriterion, [S. l.], v. 63, n. 152, 2022. Disponível em: https://periodicos.ufmg.br/index.php/kriterion/article/view/32809. Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


