About the Journal
Licere is a edited magazine published by the Interdisciplinary Leisure Graduate Program at the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais/Brazil, non-profit. It is open to receive contributions from professionals from the most different areas of expertise and training, as long as they are intended to contribute to the progress of the discussion on Leisure in our context.
- Open access policy: there are no fees for submission and publication of papers, all content of the journal is available for free access.
- Review process for papers: double blind peer review.
- Copyright policy: Copyrights for articles published in this journal belong to the author, and the journal has first publication rights. Since they appear in this public access journal, they are free articles with their own attributions in educational and non-commercial applications.
- This work is licensed with a License: Creative Commons Atribuição-NãoComercial 4.0 Internacional
- Digital Archiving Policy: PKP (PN)