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Author Guidelines

Licere is a edited magazine published by the Interdisciplinary Leisure Graduate Program at the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais/Brazil, non-profit. It is open to receive contributions from professionals from the most different areas of expertise and training, as long as they are intended to contribute to the progress of the discussion on Leisure in our context.

The journal only accepts articles (essays, research results, theoretical reflections on intervention projects or translation) that have not been sent to another journal (condition for acceptance), written in Portuguese, English, Spanish or French.

Peer Review Process: to perform blind peer review, care must be taken not to reveal the identity of authors and reviewers during the process. Thus, document authors should exclude their names and footnotes that can identify them from the text. After receipt, the article is submitted to the prior appreciation of the editors who judge its adequacy to the journal's editorial policy. If they decide to proceed, the editors forward it to the merits of two reviewers. Evaluators can recommend acceptance, refusal or approval with mandatory corrections. All prepared opinions are sent to the author (s).

Articles sent for publication must be typed in a text editor Word for Windows (for PC) 6.0 or higher, Times New Roman font, size 12, one and a half space , A4 paper, 3.0 cm margins, with a minimum of 15 and maximum of 25 pages.

They must be accompanied by an abstract in Portuguese (except for articles in English and Spanish), title and abstract in English, and respecting the maximum limit of 790 characters (not counting spaces). Each of them with three keywords that allow the indexing of the article. We suggest consulting the health sciences descriptors (DECS) at

The authors of the articles must observe the ABNT rules when writing and formatting their originals. The article must be presented considering the following order: a) title of the work, centralized, in the first line of the initial sheet; b) in a footnote, the sources of research funding should be inserted, if applicable; c) abstract in Portuguese (if applicable) with keywords; d) title, abstract and keywords in English; e) the article itself and f) references.

In addition, authors must submit another file containing the following information: a) full name of the authors, title, name of the institution to which they are linked, name of the research group in which they operate (if applicable) and e-mail; b) full address of all authors.

From 09/25/2018, Licere Magazine will accept up to 2 articles simultaneously in the process of evaluation / editing by the same author / co-author. If this limit is exceeded, the new submission (s) will be filed before the peer review.

Only Portuguese translations will be accepted, accompanied by the originals and the written AUTHORIZATION of the COPYRIGHT holder (s). Obtaining authorization is the sole responsibility of the translator, and must be sent together with the translation and the original.

We request attention to the comments below:

* In references made by up to three authors, all must be cited, separated by semicolons. In references with more than three authors, mention only the first author, followed by the expression et al.

* Models of presentation of bibliographic references

Books (individual authorship)
FRIGOTTO, G. Educação e a crise do capitalismo real. 4. ed. São Paulo: Cortez, 2000. 231 p.

Books (prepared by up to three authors)
MACHADO, M.  A.; MACHADO, E. C. A.; HÜBNER, D. B. Administração aplicada ao lazer. Brasília: SESI/DN, 2006. 100p.

Books (with more than three authors)
PARANAGUÁ, P. et alBelém Sustentável. Belém: Imazon, 2003.

Book chapters
OLIVEIRA, F. Neoliberalismo à brasileira. In: GENTILI, P. (Org.). Pós-neoliberalismo: as políticas sociais e o estado democrático. Rio de Janeiro: Paz & Terra, 1995. p. 29-34.

Book in electronic format
SÃO PAULO (Estado). Entendendo o meio ambiente. São Paulo, 1999. v. 1. Disponível em: Acesso em: 8 mar. 1999.

Journal articles (with more than three authors)
PODSAKOFF, P.M. et al. Transformational leader behaviors and their effects on followers' trust in leader, satisfaction, and organizational citizenship behaviors. Leadership Quarterly, Greenwich, v. 1, n. 2, p. 107-142, 1990.

CARVALHO, W.L.P. O ensino das ciências sob a perspectiva da criatividade: uma análise fenomenológica. 1991. 302 f. Tese (Doutorado) - Faculdade de Educação, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas, 1991.

Journal article (electronic format)
AQUINO, J.G.; MUSSI, M.C. As vicissitudes da formação docente em serviço: a proposta reflexiva em debate. Educação e Pesquisa, São Paulo, v. 27, n. 2, p. 211-227, jul. 2001. Disponível em: Acesso em: 14 ago. 2002.

Signed newspaper article
DIMENSTEIN, G. Escola da vida. Folha de S. Paulo.  São Paulo, 14 jul. 2002. Folha Campinas, p. 2.

Unsigned newspaper article
FUNGOS e chuva ameaçam livros históricos. Folha de S. Paulo, São Paulo, 5 jul. 2002. Cotidiano, p. 6.

Decrees, Laws
BRASIL. Decreto n. 2.134 de 24 de janeiro de 1997.  Diário Oficial da República Federativa do Brasil,Brasília, 27 jan. 1997. p. 1435-1436.

Federal Constitution
BRASIL. Constituição (1988). Constituição da República Federativa do Brasil, 1988. Brasília: Senado Federal, Centro Gráfico, 1988. 292p.

Technical report
CAMPOS, M.H.R.A. A Universidade não será mais a mesma. Belo Horizonte: Conselho de Extensão da UFMG, 1984. 18 p. Relatório.

Work published in Annals of Congress
PARO, V.H. Administração escolar e qualidade do ensino: o que os pais ou responsáveis têm a ver com isso? In: SIMPOSIO BRASILEIRO DE POLITICA E ADMINISTRAÇÃO DA EDUCAÇÃO, 18, 1997, Porto Alegre. Anais... Porto Alegre: Edipucrs, 1997. p. 303-314.

* Footnotes: the works cited in the text must be numbered sequentially and without parentheses. All references listed must be cited in the text. Notes should be typed in single space, with Times New Roman 10 font. Footnotes should be used sparingly and as long as necessary.

* Citations in the text: a short direct quote of up to three lines, must be inserted in the text, in double quotation marks. Example: "It is important to emphasize that [...]" (FRATTUCCI, 2007, p. 1099). A long direct quote with more than three lines should constitute an independent paragraph indented from the left margin, in font size 10 and with a single space between lines, without quotation marks. The identification of references in the text must be done with the indication of the name (s) of the author (s), year of publication and pagination. Example: (GOMES, 1995, p. 225). If there are two authors, both are cited, separated by semicolons; if there are more than three, the first author is mentioned followed by the expression et al.

* The accuracy of the references in the list, the correct citation in the text and the spelling check is the responsibility of the author (s) of the works.

* Studies carried out in humans must be in accordance with ethical standards and with the free and informed consent of the participants (refer to Resolution 196/96 of the National Health Council that deals with the Code of Ethics for Research in Human Beings). When applicable, indicate in the work methodology that the subjects' consent was obtained, as well as the indication that the study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the responsible institution.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

Sobre nossa capa

Apresentação de capa de edição da Revista Licere.

Artigos Originais

Composta por trabalhos originais, de natureza empírica ou experimental, apresentado em forma de relato de pesquisa. 

Artigos de Revisão

Destinada a textos que objetivam resumir, sintetizar e/ou analisar trabalhos científicos já publicados.

Relatos de Experiências

Relato de Experiências profissionais, concluídas ou em andamento.

Tome Ciência

Publica resumos de monografias concluídas em cursos de Graduação e de pós-graduação.

Fique Por Dentro

Espaço para a divulgação de eventos científicos e/ou artísticos (nacionais e internacionais), cursos, grupos de discussão, listas de discussão on-line, sites e todas iniciativas relacionadas ao Lazer. É uma seção móvel, podendo ou não ser publicada.

Privacy Statement

Os nomes e endereços informados nesta revista serão usados exclusivamente para os serviços prestados por esta publicação, não sendo disponibilizados para outras finalidades ou a terceiros.