The Spaces of Sociability and Leisure in the Sacred Heart of Jesus Renewal Feast in Cariri – Ceará
Leisure Activities, Community Development, Centers of Connivance and LeisureAbstract
The objective of this article is to configure leisure in the Sacred Heart of Jesus Renewal Feast that takes place in the municipalities of Aurora, Barbalha, Crato, Juazeiro do Norte, and Milagres. Along this article, the concept of leisure is the one applied by Dumazedier (2000), Marcellino (2000), Elias and Dunning (1985). This is an ethnographic research with a sample of 24 families dwelling in rural areas. The instruments used were observation, field diary, photos, semi-structured interviews and the analyses of verbal reports. The feast is a space for socialization and leisure promoting meetings, happiness, sentiments, emotions, care, affinities and strengthening the local identity, mainly through the food that is served. This way, there is a break in the family domestic routine who houses relatives and neighbors that will, happily and voluntarily, share the feast in that house that congregates Cariri’s culture.
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