The Law of Practitioners Rolezinhos and the Economic and Social Development of Brazil
Economic Development, Human Rights, Leisure ActivitiesAbstract
This study aims to present the characteristics of rolezinhos which are squatters space consumption, seeking affirmation and social recognition and explanation of the contradictions of the country. Practitioners are usually young employees, arising from large peripheral centers, through actions and policies in the early 2000s to the present day, gained the ability to consume, increasing the possibilities for leisure and requiring the inclusion in spaces that not attended before. The heated debate revolves around the legality of this move, noting that among the rights guaranteed to individuals practicing is the right to come and go, also known as freedom of movement or freedom of movement, this is guaranteed in the Federal Constitution of 1988, according with the provisions of Article 5, section 15, and Article 8 of the Universal Declaration of Human rights. The right to leisure, Article 6 of the Federal Constitution claim is this movement, this being a fundamental social right. It was concluded that the Government, jurists, society, families and individual citizens reflect on the acceptance of this new moment and the possibilities for public policy inclusion to meet the demands that this new social scene requires. We used the dialectical method, in consultation with library resources such as books, jurisprudence, magazines and interviews.
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