The Tides of Adventure

Surfing in the Municipality of Salinópolis Between Actions and Possibilities


  • Emilly Yasmin Corrêa Dias Universidade do Estado do Pará (UEPA)
  • Patrícia Chaves de Araújo Universidade do Estado do Pará (UEPA)



Sports, Leisure Activities, Public Policy, Water Sports


The present work presents analyzes about the public policies of incentive to surf in the city of Salinópolis/PA, presenting the space of the city like place favorable for the development of this sport. The methodology consisted of bibliographical consultation, field research conducted through observation and semi-structured questions that highlighted the statements of nine collaborators, seven athletes present in the state ranking (2017), and two managers of actions to encourage surfing in the city. A phenomenological approach, with a qualitative approach, and the content analysis method (BARDIN, 2011) were used. To understand the aspects of this research were used Mascarenhas, (2007) and Bahia and Nascimento (2014) in the ambit of leisure and public policies, Ribeiro (2003), Knijinck e Cruz (2010) and Dias (2008) for the historical trajectory of surfing; Santos (1996, 2015) and Brunhs (1997) for spatial appropriation. The results show that, despite the visibility and the recognition of the salinopolitan athletes; there is no public investment for surfing in Salinópolis/PA, and the development and support of the sport depends on the mobilization of associations. It is concluded that, because there is no public investment focused on surfing in Salinópolis/PA, even if the environment is favorable to the practice of this sport, it is relevant to create projects focused on surfing that involve the natural environment of the city in programs of leisure and environmental preservation.


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Artigos Originais

How to Cite

The Tides of Adventure: Surfing in the Municipality of Salinópolis Between Actions and Possibilities. (2019). LICERE - Revista Do Programa De Pós-graduação Interdisciplinar Em Estudos Do Lazer, 22(1), 189-210.