Academies Outdoors in Castanhal, an Option of Leisure and Social Covenant?
The User's Profile and Speech
Leisure Activities, Exercise, Health PromotionAbstract
This research aimed to understand the profile and discourse of the user of outdoor gyms in the municipality of Castanhal. This is a qualitative research, having as a research instrument a structured questionnaire. The research was divided into two main stages, namely: 1 - on - site visit, application of the structured questionnaire and free consent term; 2- Analysis of the data collected. The first stage occurred in September and October 2017. Data collection points were Praça do Estrela and Praça da Biblia, and 15 people were interviewed in each square, totaling 30 respondents. Among the results obtained, 70% of the AAL users interviewed are female, and that these interviewees have a mean age of 48.83 years. More than 53% (exactly 53.33%) are overweight and more than 26% are obese. It is unanimous the discourse that the project contributed to social interaction, where many of the users created bonds of friendship with each other, seeking to help in the accomplishment of the exercises and motivate not to be absent from AAL. It is concluded that the AAL in Castanhal is of great importance, both to provide opportunities for physical activities by the population, as well as spaces of social relations.
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