Leisure Public Spaces of a Brazilian Capital
Quality Assessment and Use for Practice of Physical Activity
Leisure Activities, Environment and Public Health, Urban AreaAbstract
Physical activity motivation has been associated with environmental, demographic, individual, and interpersonal factors. The objective of this study was to evaluate the infrastructure of public spaces for leisure in the city of Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil to: the human development index (HDI) of the neighborhoods area where these spaces are located, the number of users, and the level physical activity practiced. Data collection was done through the analysis of 48 squares, randomly chosen, in which were applied two forms, the System for Observing Play and Recreation in Communities that evaluates the structure of spaces and makes a momentary assessment of the users and the Physical Activity Resource Assessment Instrument also evaluates the infrastructure environments. The results showed a low rate of quality of squares, with a strong presence of incivilities and low presence of features and amenities. There was no association between the HDI and the quality index of public space. The low level of quality of the squares may have influenced the underutilization of the areas surveyed and reduced adherence to vigorous physical activity. Adults and elderly were who the most used spaces, and women were the group more present and best physically active.
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