Seniors and Physical Exercises
Motivations and Contributions to Health and Leisure
Elderly, Health, Leisure ActivitiesAbstract
The study aims to analyze motivational factors for the participation of the elderly in a program of physical activities of the Center for the Coexistence of the Third Age, in Teresina/PI. The qualitative and descriptive research considered the narratives of 30 elderly, 60 and 87 years old, between November and December 2015, who pointed out as motivational aspects to participate in physical exercise programs: disease prevention, rehabilitation and maintenance of health and leisure, being the initiation in the activities motivated by the family, own initiative and medical indication. Improved health, reduced pain, increased strength, endurance, flexibility, loss of body weight and the expansion of the circle of friends were the main repercussions of this participation. Thus, maintaining an active lifestyle during aging enhances psychosocial factors and improves the quality of life of the elderly.
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