Sports, as Leisure Activities, Under an Aesthetic/Literary Perspective

Notes on Ernest Hemingway’s Short Stories (1920-1930)


  • Bianca Gutierrez Gianatti Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR)
  • André Mendes Capraro Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR)



Sports, Esthetics, Leisure Activities


Using the literature as a historical source, the aim of this article was to investigate the sports, as leisure activities, represented in the Ernest Hemingway’s short stories, published in the 1920s, under an aesthetic perspective. We used Antonio Candido’s precepts for the literary analisys, considering the relevance of the writer’s text and context. We also used Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht as a theoretical approach to discuss esthetics ideas on sports. We concluded that besides the different sport practices, it also apperead to be a manliness ideal associated with the sports, probably usual in the author’s context.


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Artigos Originais

How to Cite

Sports, as Leisure Activities, Under an Aesthetic/Literary Perspective: Notes on Ernest Hemingway’s Short Stories (1920-1930). (2018). LICERE - Revista Do Programa De Pós-graduação Interdisciplinar Em Estudos Do Lazer, 21(2), 74-95.