Technologies and Recreation in Hotel
Acceptance of Parents on Insertion of Remastered Activities in the Recreation Program
Technology, Hotel Recreation, Leisure ActivitiesAbstract
This qualitative study investigated the acceptance of parents on the incorporation of recreational remastered activities using virtual technology into the recreational program, offered to children from 6 to 12 years, in two environments: 1 - hotel (urban) and 2 – farm-hotel, at Circuito das Águas Paulista. Applied a mixed questionnaire to an intentional sample of 34 parents, after the participation of their children in a treasure hunt with WhatsApp. Data were descriptively analyzed by Content Analysis, with two categories: 1 - hotel 2 – farm-hotel. Results indicated that the rates of rejection and acceptance of parents, on the incorporation of remastered recreational activities into the program, in both environments were very similar, however the parents pointed out caveats, as the use of controlled and limited time, the need of the adequacy of the content to the age group and the maintenance of dynamic activities.
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