The Historicity of Human Rights and the Thoughts of Bobbio and Arendt in the Construction of the Right to Work and Leisure


  • Daniela Menin Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados (UFGD)



Human Rights, Right to Work, Legislation Labor, Right to Leisure


Based on the premises pointed out by Norberto Bobbio in his work "The Age of Rights" and by Hannah Arendt, in his work "The Human Condition", the historicity of Human Rights and its influence in the Brazilian legal system, particularly in the Constitution Federal law of 1988 and in the theoretical construction, positivation and effectiveness of labor law and the right to leisure of the worker. In this sense, the main focus is on the historicity of Human Rights advocated by Bobbio and on the importance of the right to work and leisure highlighted by Hannah Arendt. " Also worthy of mention in this work are the Encyclical Letters Pacem in Terris and Rerum Novarum, which figure as an important element in the historicity of Human Rights, including the construction of Labor Law.


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How to Cite

The Historicity of Human Rights and the Thoughts of Bobbio and Arendt in the Construction of the Right to Work and Leisure. (2018). LICERE - Revista Do Programa De Pós-graduação Interdisciplinar Em Estudos Do Lazer, 21(4), 471-501.