From Specialized Production to Amateur Inventivity in League of Legends
Video Games, Leisure Activities, Sociology of SportAbstract
With the arrival of the second modernity or postmodernity we have seen changes in society. Among the main, the technological development that has changed the way human beings live in the social space. The influence is so great that technology is already present in various segments of our lives, especially in leisure and entertainment. In this context, we can exemplify the expansion of electronic games, in particular, the paradigmatic case of the League of Legends which is one of the most played games around the world. In general terms, this game, in particular, opened the discussion to the process of sportivization of electronic games, generating tactful questions within the scope of common sense as well as in the academic-scientific field. Knowing this uneasiness, this study aimed to understand the cyber (sportive) field of the League of Legends, going through the structure of the subfield of professionals to the space of inventive reproduction.
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