The Practice of Leisure on the Web From the Consumption of K-Dramas
K-dramas, Internet, Leisure ActivitiesAbstract
The aim of this article is to identify the way in which the dramas of South Korean origin are consumed in the ambit of leisure. Bibliographical research was done on the evolution of such productions as the Korean Wave and, thus, to identify the role of the internet in the access to these audiovisual products. With the questionnaires, we tried to describe the profile of these consumers with respect to such practices. The results showed that a large proportion of those watching these programs consume other Asian productions even though they are not always linked to South Korea. Official streaming platforms as well as fansubs have contributed heavily in promoting such productions even if indirectly, as well as with the spread of the Korean Wave. As for leisure, most of the respondents cited activities focused on the virtual environment, as well as activities focused on tourism, and social activities.
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