Leisure as an Affirmation of Identity in the Timing of End of Life
Leisure Activities, Death, Social Construction of IdentityAbstract
This work is the result of a research of the Postgraduate Program in Studies on leisure and aims to present its theoretical foundation for an ethnographic field referring to people in the timing of the finitude of life. For that, it presents the contributions of important thinkers on the subject of death and activity as affirmation of identity such as Morin, Giddens and Kellehear. It proposes a reflection on leisure within the perspective of the existential philosophy and investigates the possibility of leisure to be manifest with a strong sense of identity and aligned with the most authentic desires in the time of finitude. But it also seeks to advance to reflections on being dead, as a social subject and susceptible to interference from the consumer market and mass culture in the choices of leisure activities, as well as other determinants such as socio-cultural condition.
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