Reasons for Membership in Adventure Activities in Nature and the Influences on the Quality of Life of their Practitioners
Nature Adventure Physical Activity, Mountaineering, Quality of LifeAbstract
Physical Adventure Activities in Nature (AFAN), are alternatives that are much sought after in contrast to the urbanized lifestyle, which establishes the objective of this study, which aims to analyze the reasons why people adhere to mountaineering as a leisure activity and which influence on the quality of life of practitioners. This study was carried out through a quali-quantitative research, with semi-structured interviews and semi-open questionnaires for 35 experienced climbers. In terms of results, it can be considered that people adhere to mountaineering because it is an activity with many attractive characteristics, which provide a set of emotions, challenges, socialization and a rich collection of landscapes. Still, they provide varied benefits, both physical and psychological, with direct relation to the adopted style and quality of life.
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