Leisure Constraints Created and Tthe Lack of Public Policies
Impact on Black Youth in Jardim Brasil – São Paulo
Black youths, Leisure activities, Access barriersAbstract
The present work aims to evidence the leisure constraints created by the State and its impacts on black youth of Jardim Brasil, a neighborhood in the North zone of São Paulo city. Based on evidence we highlight what are the visibles and invisibles leisure constraints highlighting their perceptions and interpretations about the access barriers: as the way they identified it and also how they are affected by it. We employed the qualitative method of exploratory character, combined with bibliographic and field research with 14 self declared black young people between the ages of 18 to 29 years old, by conducting semi structured interviews with open and closed questions and analysed according to the discourse analysis. The delimitation of the study permeates the questioning of how the lack of leisure policies directly affected the black youth of Jardim Brasil. According to the data presented and the perceptions of the young black people interviewed, it is concluded that there is a significant presence of leisure constraints for this public, which compromises the notion of belonging and/or identification by cultural equipment as well as their respective programming.
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