Homo Zappiens
Digital Nomads and Subjectivities within Leisure-Work Self-Management
Digital nomads, Self-management, Leisure activitiesAbstract
This qualitative study aimed to investigate the informational content disseminated on the Movimento Nômades Digitais website, seeking to understand the leisure-work self-management processes in this lifestyle. Exploratory research was based on document analysis and case study. Results point to some paradoxes in the balance between the forms of conception of work self-management and the possible resonances in leisure self-management. These changes in the style of work may not represent, equally, more flexibility of time and possibilities of living meaningful experiences in leisure, due to the economic, political, cultural and organizational aspects involved. The self-management of leisure does not seem to be directly associated with the self-management of work by digital nomads, since other elements come into play, in addition to the personal option itself.
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