Is the Body Composition of Obese Workers Associated with the Constraints to Physical Activity Leisure?
Leisure activities, Body composition, Occupational health servicesAbstract
The aim of this study was to associate the perception of barriers to leisure-time physical activity (LPA) with the industrial worker's weight status. 885 workers of both sexes (515 women) participated. In addition to barriers to AFL, self-reported BMI and sociodemographic variables were analyzed. Stratified by weight status, reasons such as lack of interest in practicing (p = 0.004), lack of physical skills (p = 0.044), concern with appearance during practice (p < 0.001) and fear of injury (p = 0.002) were significantly more frequent among obese compared to eutrophic individuals. Also, the higher the BMI of women, the more barriers to AFL are perceived (r = 0.119; p = 0.009). Is the body composition of obese workers associated with the constraints to physical activity leisure? Furthermore, in women, the impact of the relationship between perceived barriers and weight status appears to be greater.
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