Empirical Verification of the Leisure Habits Activities Scale in Sports and Non-Sports Young City of Cidade de Teresina – PI and João Pessoa-PB


  • Nilton Soares Formiga Faculdade Mauricio de Nassau (FMN)
  • Gislane Melo Universidade Católica de Brasilia (UCB)
  • Sérvulo Fernando Costa Lima Instituto Federal do Piauí (IFPI)




Scales, Leisure Activities, Adolescent, Athletes


This study aims to verify the structural factor of leisure habits scale in young athletes and nonathletes. Leisure habits promote a balance to drive people to the practice of rest, social relationships and fun. Therefore, in this context, leisure refers to the ways of spending free time, when they have complied with the daily chores and appointments, meeting the basic needs of intellectual and cultural enrichment and rest. The sample was composed by 261 men and women with 14-18 years of age, from a private high school in the city of João Pessoa and a public high school from the city of Teresina-PI, of whom 113 were athletes and 148 were nonathletes . They answered the Leisure Habits Activities Scale in the classroom. We conducted the analysis of structural equation modeling and observed statistical indicators confirmed the factor structure in the sample of athletes and nonathletes, which resembles that found in previous studies, supporting its use in the Brazilian context.


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How to Cite

Empirical Verification of the Leisure Habits Activities Scale in Sports and Non-Sports Young City of Cidade de Teresina – PI and João Pessoa-PB. (2013). LICERE - Revista Do Programa De Pós-graduação Interdisciplinar Em Estudos Do Lazer, 16(1). https://doi.org/10.35699/1981-3171.2013.682