Sport of Leisure

A New Conception for the Education


  • Sérgio Stucchi Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP)



Leisure Activities, Quality of Life, Interdisciplinary Communication


The sport is one of the elements of the universe of the man's physical activities and its finds great possibility of being remained and applied in a coherent and balanced way, for long time in everybody’s life if it was guided for that. The partnership among the family, the school and the offer organizations, they can promote longevity and sustainability of the sporting activities with coherent and reveal planning solving with more details the individual and collective needs, as well as the filling of the free time of each phase of the vital cycle. In post- modern conception of leisure, it is possible to create educational interdisciplinary relationships, with motivations for the learning of the movements in the beginning phases of the growth, showing limits in the use of the adult body for the conscience of the involvements in the spaces and contents of the leisure, making possible to extend the physical, emotional and social capacities with quality of useful and longtime life.


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Artigos de Revisão

How to Cite

Sport of Leisure: A New Conception for the Education . (2009). LICERE - Revista Do Programa De Pós-graduação Interdisciplinar Em Estudos Do Lazer, 12(4).