Leisure and Cultural Experience

Territoriality and Otherness of the Akwẽ-Xerente People


  • Khellen Cristina Pires Correia Soares Instituto Federal de Educação Ciência e Tecnologia do Tocantins (IFTO)
  • José Alfredo Oliveira Debortoli Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG)




Leisure Activities, Culture, Indigenous Population


This project work is a cut of the doctoral thesis entitled Culture and Leisure in the daily life of the Akwẽ-Xerente people. This text seeks a discussion between leisure and cultural experience, approaching the way of life and the constitution of territoriality and distinctiveness from Akwẽ-Xerente.Through an approach with anthropology, the methodology was constructed from the dialogue between bliographical and field research, from an ethnographic perspective. The present study constitutes a dialogue of the understanding of leisure as dimension of culture and complex social practice, based on the analysis of the daily life of the Akwẽ-Xerente people, by means of what is revealed as alterity and territoriality of this people. Through the "close and inward look" we seek to understand what indigenous people experience that approaches the perspectives of leisure that have been released so far,considering the way of life of this people, describing the relationships that are established with time, work, nature, traditional knowledge,the knowledge of the surrounding society and how all these elements bring perspectives of dialogue with the field of study of leisure.


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How to Cite

Soares, K. C. P. C., & Debortoli, J. A. O. (2019). Leisure and Cultural Experience: Territoriality and Otherness of the Akwẽ-Xerente People. LICERE - Revista Do Programa De Pós-graduação Interdisciplinar Em Estudos Do Lazer, 22(1), 122–147. https://doi.org/10.35699/1981-3171.2019.12314



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