The Miracle of Candeal and the Pedagogy of Humanistic Leisure

Social Transformations from Music


  • Liana Abrão Romera Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (UFES)
  • Aurora Madariaga Universidad de Deusto
  • Idurre Lazkano Universidad de Deusto



Social Pedagogy, Leisure, Education, Social Transformation


Based on the film records of the documentary El Milagro del Candeal, this study aimed to analyze if there are relations between actions carried out in the periphery of Salvador, Bahia, and the pedagogy of humanistic leisure. The dialogical relationship between humanist pedagogy and Candeal was observed in the local transformations, both in the physical and urban structures, and in the strengthening of its inhabitants. The organization around music corroborates educational potential of leisure and its interference in social transformation. The socio-educational actions in Candeal developed by Pracatum, music school, promote musical education in harmony with the values ​​of citizen education, based on a dynamic and transformative social pedagogy. The film scenes go beyond the boundaries of musicality and aim to strengthen the sense of belonging, reinforcing values, identity and community sense of the residents.


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How to Cite

Romera, L. A., Madariaga, A., & Lazkano, I. (2019). The Miracle of Candeal and the Pedagogy of Humanistic Leisure: Social Transformations from Music. LICERE - Revista Do Programa De Pós-graduação Interdisciplinar Em Estudos Do Lazer, 22(2), 353–374.



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