Vacation Camps Programmes Management and Development in Different Contexts
The Case of the Federal University of Minas Gerais
Vacation Camp, Management, Professional DevelopmentAbstract
Vacations camps are one of the most important professional practice fields for those professionals involved in the area of Physical Education and leisure. With this in mind, we made a report containing theoretical reflections based on the experience of the Vacation Camp in Campus (CFC) project, which is organized by a group called "PET – Physical Education and Leisure", from the Federal University of Minas Gerais. Our intention was to raise reflections regarding the project management and development process, aiming to stimulate other groups to make their own path and create new experiences within this area. We noticed that the teamwork involved in the project elaboration and implementation is a valuable learning experience for undergraduate students since they have the opportunity to participate as an animator in an intervention made of several cultural experiences.
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