Leisure as a Curricular Component in Higher Education Settings

An Analytical Perspective from Physical Education


  • Janisson dos Santos Universidade Federal de Sergipe (UFS)
  • Cae Rodrigues Universidade Federal de Sergipe (UFS)




Leisure Theory, Curriculum, Teacher Training


The research aimed to investigate theories and concepts of leisure developed in Physical Education courses in higher education settings in the state of Sergipe. The research is presented in the article in three sections: the first brings a synthesis of significant questions concerning the curriculum; the second, a relevant opposition to the understanding of the philosophical-pedagogical orientations in the field of leisure; the third was devoted to the qualitative textual analysis of the empirical data collected in the research. The corpus was composed of Physical Education programs of institutions of higher education in the state of Sergipe that develop the curricular component “leisure”, in addition to interviews with lecturers and students involved in these disciplines. The analysis shows that there is evidence of the phenomenological (one discipline) and positivist (two disciplines) approaches, both in the (predominant) form in which the disciplines are developed (methods) and in the way leisure is conceptualized (content).


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How to Cite

Santos, J. dos, & Rodrigues, C. (2019). Leisure as a Curricular Component in Higher Education Settings: An Analytical Perspective from Physical Education. LICERE - Revista Do Programa De Pós-graduação Interdisciplinar Em Estudos Do Lazer, 22(3), 283–320. https://doi.org/10.35699/1981-3171.2019.15313



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