Public Security
Dwellers' Opinion on the Practice of Leisure as a Mechanism for Reducing the Indicators of Violence
Leisure Activities, Public Policies, SafetyAbstract
This study aims to hybridize the manifestation of Leisure as a public policy of security and urban restructuring with the reduction of social violence rates. It is of an applied nature, characterized by its qualitative character, involving a bibliographical survey and field research using as a tool to collect data a Likert type scale, divided into three dimensions: Leisure, Public Policies, Security and Urban Restructuring and Satisfaction . The sample consisted of 40 people. The results indicate that the square became more crowded after the public restructuring actions. Regarding leisure activities, the structural changes increased the practice of leisure activities. The use of the spaces through these activities diminished the violence in the place. The study concludes that in the opinion of the residents, the public actions aimed at urban restructuring promote an increase in the practice of leisure activities and the degree of satisfaction with regard to the aspects related to the sociourban structure and indicators of social violence.
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