Effects of Globalization in Labor Scope


  • Daniela Menin Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados (UFGD)
  • Helder Baruffi Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados (UFGD)




Work, Socioeconomic Factors, Workers


The article aims, from the premises exposed by Zygmunt Bauman in "Globalization: The human consequences" and "Modernity Liquid" and the concepts presented by Ugo Mattei and Laura Nader in the book "Plunder, when the rule of law is illegal" carry out a reflection on the effects of globalization in the workplace. The study, analytical character, points out that the perigosista discourse in the global economic context, encourages fear and insecurity, thrusts reformist policies under the guise  maintaining jobs, but have a serious side effect: the reduction of labor rights and the reduction of guarantees already achieved. On this track, the study considers the effects of the globalization phenomenon, which relativize concepts and rights and makes it vulnerable, which, at least in theory, could not be changed: the fundamental social rights, noting that globalization gives a dependency status. Thus, it is observed, for example, that France, which was once flag in the fight for human rights and in this context, labor rights, today inspires the world to relativize many guarantees for workers, echoes that are observed in Brazil. Finally, it is concluded that the fundamental social rights, certified by the state to provide a more dignified life, expresses the theoretical, historical and specific limits set by the constituent and must be preserved. In this hand against fundamentabilidade nature, they are the relativization of rights, globalization effects, risk and imminent danger, since they lend themselves to change, albeit sneaky and covert form fundamental rights, restricting rights historically achieved. The labor law is not immune to such effects, look up the proposed elimination / reduction of tariffs currently under discussion, always in the name of modernity and maintaining employment.


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How to Cite

Menin, D., & Baruffi, H. (2017). Effects of Globalization in Labor Scope. LICERE - Revista Do Programa De Pós-graduação Interdisciplinar Em Estudos Do Lazer, 20(2), 353–378. https://doi.org/10.35699/1981-3171.2017.1655



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